Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-24-11

Hey Everyone!!!!
Things going great down here in Coatza. Elder Munson is going home this week and my new comp will be Elder Gonzales. He`s a good missionary, I already know him and Ive heard that he`s had quite a bit of success so we`ll see how things go.
The sad thing about this week though is that my camera broke.... I don`t know what happened... I was pretty sad but what can you do. You just got to keep on working. I`ll find what to do. I hope.. hahaha So sorry if there are no fotos for a while.
This week was pretty hard. We had the rain and a few dead days. I swear there was one day that we got rejected by like every person in the street. NOBODY wanted to hear us. It was hard on my comp and me. So and 8 at night we went to our last appointment, we knocked on the door... nada, nothing. So we turned around and started walking away. We both immediatly felt the impression to pray so we did so. As soon as we finished the prayer the girl who we were going to teach opened the door. She was there but had not heard us knock. I still have no clue why she opened the door but she did. I was a neat experience for my comp and for me. The power of prayer is sometimes stronger than you think.
Despite the fact that we had no one listening to us in the week we some how got a lot of investigators to the church. My comp and I have seen numerous blessing of the diligence and the obedience. Where the people come from we have no clue but the Lord has blessed us immensly.
It`s getting pretty hot down here and I`m guessing it`s pretty cold up there.... I`m glad I`m here hahahaha! I can`t even bear to stay in an air condicioned room now. It`s weird.
Well we have a sealing coming up soon and we have as well a few more baptisms. Should be fun with the new comp. I`m going to miss Elder Munson like crazy. He`s probably my favorite comp of the mission. We just had so much fun and a ton of success. But it`s how the mission goes. Only 3 changes left.... What happened to time..... 18 weeks is way to short. I`m going to make the best of it though. Love you all.
Take care!!! Love Elder Valle

Jay's letter 1-25-11

things going good down here in.....MUNICIPAL MENDOZA. not maipu. haha. Transfer baby!!!!!! I am in Municipal in the city of Mendoza right now. So, I still have yet to hit a camp area. But yeah, I also have a new companion. He is a latin from El Salvador. Elder Guevara. We are working really hard to get some people to church. The Rama is really tiny. I think we have 20 people, which actually is not too bad. Another great perk about my area, is it is one of the only two areas with a Wal Mart. Which means....PEANUT BUTTER. Yes. Entonces, estoy aprovechando de eso cada dia. NOM NOM NOM. We had sone conference this week. It got me so PUMPED. This is the lords work. Mission Pres and I have a great relationship. I have to official nick names in the mission. The first one is Vallecito. I hear that more that Valle. The other one is Baptism blue...or azul bauptismal. My comp had to go to the offices to do paper work (this was in the old area) and i was talking and playing with the APs and they saw my eye. We couldnt really come up with the right color of my left eye. First it was celestial blue. as in, terrestial and telestial. and then one of the APs said Baptism Blue. And we all laughed and I was like YES! So baptism blue is atleast my name in the offices. But I hear Vallecito. All the time. De hecho, hay un calle en my area se llama Vallecito. ¿Chistoso no cierto? Jajaja. Pero, so. Asi que, We are working super hard. Zone Conference yesterday, thats why I didnt write yesterday. But zone confernce was amazing. Hna Lindahl gave a really cool talk. She said a lot of people think the Lindahls never had to work for what they had and they everything was given to them. (fyi, they have a multi million dollar company and he owns like 30 hospitals...yeah). But they told us, they started off poor, and they had to work a ton to be able to serve the lord like this. She said that, marriage will be hard, and it should be, but you gotta work hard and be grateful for what you have. Then President said something very interesting. he said: I hope this mission is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. And then he paused for a while, it was powerful and got you pumped. Estamos empexando, LOCURO DE MARZO. Like, march in this mission, is like huge and everyone works like extra hard in march and it is a huge competition. Hahaha. We are getting excited.
I got a package from the whitings with socks, gum, chapstick and a really really cool Christmas letter. Tell them thanks for me please.
The williams from Amity Ave wrote me, because I was their home teacher forever. The old lady wrote me ahand writter letter. So sweet. Please tell them i recieved it and I loved it, tell them hi, good luck with all the health and stuff and that I will try to write them if I have time. Good week. We worked suuper hard.

Elder Valle

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jay's letter 1-17-11

Hey Family

Last week of the transfer! My Week. Highlight of the week. I met the prophet! Ok, here is the story. We were walking down in central at like 9. We saw this guy smoking on the back of his truck and we decided to go talk to him. We tried to talk and he would always stop us and say..Espere, voy a enseñarles algo nuevo....and we were like, ok sweet! And he was just saying all this weird doctirine sutff but he seemed to know a ton about the Bible! So we finally asked him if he was a pastor or something, and he said Oh, no. Ahora, soy un profeta! So then it all clicked. Then he gave me a book mark (: So yeah, we met the prohpet. Hahaha. Ok.
We went to go celebrate two baptisms we had and we went to this expensive ice cream place. we took our ice cream home and we realized that about halfway through eating it that it had alcohol. Both our tounges had this weird numbish feeling and we were not really tasting what we usually taste in ice cream. So yeah. I love accidentaly breaking La Palabra De Sabiduria on the mission. Hahaha. NOT.

We got in this battle with a Testigo de Jehova on the corner. He wouldnt let us talk, kinda like when we talked with the prophet guy. It wasnt really a battle, but lets just say he knows the Bible like the back of his hands! Whew! It was crazy. Im going to go study the Biblia a little mejor now.

We had geneology night at the church the other night.
We had to dress up like our ancestors. And we found out like 20 minutes before. So I put my costume together super fast. I have pictures of me as a Peruvian to come (: And my comp as an English Soldier.

I was going to have my first baptism this week, but the dad came to the moms house and took the kids shopping in Mendoza. AH! Freaking father. He is not a member but the mom is. The kids know the gospel soooo well too. The boy of like 12 years was explaning to jospeh smith story in crazy good detail and even went on about the hill cumorah and how Jose Smith would go back every year to talk with the angel and everything. I might leave the area this transfer and never get to see their baptism but I am trying to learn what God would have me learn from this experience (:

Mosiah 3:16. Beautiful Scripture that I just barely found.

The trantula. Maybe it was real, maybe it was fake (: Love you Mom.

And thanks for teaching me to work hard. Thanks for being a good Mom and always making me do the thngs that were right even if was a snobby teenager. You are a good Mom. (: I love you.
And the rest of the Family, you too!

Haha, Chow Chow.
Elder Valle

Dallan's Letter 1-17-11

Hey everyone!
I don´t got a lot of time today due to all the references that I had to distribute out to the Zone so sorry about that. You got to do what you gotta do right =) things going great down here. This week we had the baptisms of Hno. Alvaro and his daughter Valeria. We are very grateful for all of the blessing and the success that we have had down here. Elder Munson and I have learned so much and have witnessed miracle after miracle in our lives. I´m sad that he is going home this next week but I love the work and I still got a lil bit of time to give it all I got.
This week was pretty normal. We had a Zone conference which lifted our spirits and we worked hard. There is nothing like a good ol day of hard work, coming home to the house and just crashing. You feel like you rest five minutes and then there again is the alarm clock waking up. I love it! ´Some elders hate it but I love it! I´ve never found such happines and satisfaction in my life.
This week during church we got a call. I answered it and it happened to be Hno. Carlos. Elder Llanos and I had baptized them the year before on new years. He told me that the 5th of Feb they are going to go and get sealed in the temple!!!!!!!! Another temple trip! I´m so excited! There really is nothing better than going to a sealing on your mission. We´ll be going in two weeks my new comp and I.
Today I also got another call from a good mission friend Elder Haro He finished his mission a while ago but came down to see converts and called me so we could meet up. It was fun to talk to him. He actually was left in the mission Mexico Veracruz. He told me that my son Elder Williams just barely got a son!!!!! how cool is that! that means I´m a grandpa!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha°!!!! I got a hoot out of that. Hard work does bring it´s fruits. I´ve seen it quite a bit this week. Love you all and wish you all the best.
Love, Elder Dallan J Valle

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-10-11

Alright... Let`s see how fast I can do this...
Well this week was another great week in Cosole... I mean Coatza. We had two more baptisms this week of La Hna. Gloria and La Hna Charito. This week we actually didn`t have anybody to baptize!!! But my comp and I decided to be 100 % obedient and we were going to trust in the Lord that He would do his part and he did! They were investigators that we had dropped a while ago but they came back telling us that they wanted to get baptized! what a blessing. My comp and I have seen the Lord`s hand in this work and we have found the faith necessary to bless this area. We`re happy because it`s growing and becoming everything that it was meant to be.
This week we went to zone leader conference. It was another spiritual experience and we all loved it. Our President has so much power behind his voice and he`s always so excited to do the work. For a new mission we are doing great actually. But they are pushing us to be more. To do even better. It`s a month of 5 weeks so we`re expecting great things. Half the Zone leaders are going home this month... including my comp =( but the mission will get a lot of new leadership. It should be interesting to see what happens. It`s sad to see all my friends go and just as sad to think that I`m getting to that stage... I really don`t want to because i love this work so much. But I`m giving it my all. Striving to be the best I can be for the Lord.
This week we had our Zone activity and it was soooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I`m so glad I was a boy scout. We did a dinky old relay race but it was one of the funnest activities ever! and we only spent $3... mom you should be proud me. Wheel barrow race, egg toss, missionary dress up race, Scripture chase, you name it. We had a blast and we got really close as a Zone. The Zone has had a lot of problems as far as disobedience but we`re getting out of it. We baptized the second highest in the mission and we`re going up on all are lessons and baptisms so we our happy.
Well I love you all Take care and be safe. Don`t forget to eat your king cake this week!!! hahaha
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

Jay's Letter 1-10-11

Hey Family!
Things going good down here in Maipu. Hahahaha.
My week.
Well, it is suppppppper hot and it rained a lot! Humid and hot. Mmmmm. Perfect. NOT. But I still love the work and sometimes it is fun to be miserable in the rain like that. I don´t know why. Anyways. It rained and I got to use my rain jacket baby! First time. I also got my first hair cut in the field. It was really expensive and it took like five minutes. It kinda sucks and I look like a dweençb but thats all. Haha.

We did a service project at a wood shop this week. It was super fun and I have never seen so much saw dust in my life. Thanks mom and dad for making me work hard so I knew how to clean that shop up super fast.

On wednesday morning I found a cat on my desk.

I made this really yummy pastry thing for a Noche De Hogar que tuvimos con la Familia Castro. It was como, a sweet bread with Oreo Pudding in the middle, rolled up with dulce de leche on top. Ooh, que rico. Yo se it sounds kinda gross probably to you guys, but it was soo good. Definitly doing that again!
I got the Christmas card! Hahaha. Thanks for telling the world I struggled with Spanish Mom. lol, jk. I loved it! I look fat in the picture...or maybe I am fat. I also got a Christmas package from this misterious person from nampa named gretude hutel or something. It was super nice of her, but...I have no idea who she is. THANKS GRETUDE (: (the chocolate was awesome!)
We found these two kids who are way way ready for baptism. When we asked the 13 year old boy (menos activa family), if he wanted to be baptized, he said... Well, Of course, I have been preparing since I was 7! Hahaha, and the girl asked if she had to be baptized to serve a mission. We were like....what!? It was awesome. Baptism soon.
We had the baptism of Ricardo and Alexandria this week. I didn´t baptize any. Ricardos was done by a younger man in the ward and Alexandria by her Father. Good Baptism (: (:

We have been teaching Viviana who is more than ready for baptism. Every investiagador has questions or things they don´t like about the church. She said she had only one thing about going to church she didn´t like. So, we braced our selves and we of course, willing to help her out. She then started to tell us that she didnt like the Hymns of the church. Hahahaha. It was so minor I wanted to laugh. I hope hymns doesnt keep anyone from getting baptized, Haha. But we explained, the Church and the Gospel Teachings are perfect, but the people are not. They hymns arent all the catchy ( I think so though), but no one is perfefct and we like to reverent. Haha, it was kinda funny.

We cleaned the baptismal font. That was the last we are leaving the font full for over three weeks without draining it. (not my fault though).

Has anyone seen the show Topo Gigio. Hahaha, funnies show I have ever seen! So funny.

With love from Argentina,
Elder Valle

(look on his shoulder-taratula!)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-3-11

Hey everyone!!!!
Happy new year!!!!
Sorry about last week I had 3 minutes to right. We had to go and by the Zone matresses and fans.... it was a REALLY long day but you got to love being a missionary. Everything about it is absolutely great. This week we had the baptisms of Carmen and Adelina.
It was a fun baptism and the whole ward got involved it was pretty awesome. My comp and I are having so much fun here. We are absolutely tired at the end of each day. In fact on new years we didn`t even wake up. I remember last year that I woke up and 12 exactly because of all the fireworks that went off. this year I woke up to the alarm at 6:30... I was dead beat. The nights go by faster now.. Everything is going by a lot faster now and I`m not very fond of it.
Well I`m going to send a bunch of photos. Christmas, hair cuts, and the baptism. I hope you like it.
Well this week we met Alvaro. He has just come back from work in Tabasco and his wife was baptized the week before he came. He saw such a change in his family that he now has his baptismal date for the 15 of January. The Lord has blessed us immensly down here. This area is hard to baptize in and even harder when you`re a zone leader and have half the time. My comp and I focused on our obedience and we have seen the many blessing that we have recieved. Many missionaries looked as new years as a party pooper. That people would be drunk and would never listen to us. Me and my comp decided that wouldn`t hold us back and we were able to complete our goal of contacts in the street. I love being a missionary. Just lets me know for certain that I^m in the right place. I love you all and take care.
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

Jay's letter 1-3-11

Wow. 2011 Baby. One more year to live and then the world ends. Hahaha. Crazy. But Awesome. Lets see, I have a list of things to talk about so here we go, it might be a bit random but bear with me on this one.

So, why did´nt I ever listen to Enya? Her music is so amazing. A member was playing her music in her house during lunch one time and it was amazing! I am defintily buying an Enya CD when I return. Oh, and mom, we can listen to music here so I hate to be a beggar but If you could send me my William Joseph CD and maybe Josh Groban one? I would love you forever. Maybe another appropriate MOTAB cd you can think of. A fun one (: That is all I am asking for in this letter. OK. I´m good. But yeah, I just really want music. It gets quiet in the pench.

Happy New Years everyone! It was quite the crazy new years! We went to a member house to have an asado and then it started raining like none other and it was just insane! We could walk home and the streets flooded and we were stuck at a members house until like 12:10 before he could get his car which was still kinda crazy to drive in. And then when we finally got home, these kids were throwing fireworks at our door. Argentine fireworks are like bombs. Soooo illegal in the states. But their are way to loud and definitly too peligroso for ninos. Freaking crazy. But something good to remember. So yeah, it´s 2011 and I´m excited to see what it brings (:

Our investigador Jorge is gone. He was never progressing and yeah, we figured out he had some problems and so, it was cool to teach him, but if you remember him, yeah, he´s gone. But it happens (:

Again I can never really think of what to write. One thing that I am sure that I have said before is that there is always like a ton of food and the members just shove it out in front of us. I think the think I can eat a cow. I can barely eat a plate and it´s so annoying. Because they will ask me if I like the food and I do, but I just can´t eat it. And that´s how you show you like food here. By eating a lot. So, yeah. Hahaha. Speaking of FOOD. My whole zone went to a PERUVIAN resteraunt today. It was great! Of course I got Papas a la HaunCaina or something like that. Holy! They were spicy. I also got a Peruvian Tamale. It was sooo good, but of course they stick green olives in everything. And for some reason they didnt have Inca Kola, but there we pictures and advertisments for it everywhere in the resteraunt. Everyone liked it. A lot of people had arroz con Pollo and I was really close to ordering Lomo but it´s all good. I love Peruvian food.

I´m still translating Justin Bieber songs for people. It´s really weird what he is saying one you actually translate it. Haha.

Anyways. It´s hot down here like always! Pictures are ont working today. ): Oh well. I am doing great! I love you all!!!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dallan's Letter 12-27-10

Hey everyone.
Don´t have a lot of time to tell thing and I´m going to make a million typing errors but oh well. The week went good. I love my comp and my area. Very small gbut way fun. Jay saying that I have a half mission but his gchristmas was the exacvt same as mine... sigh. It actually rained pretty hard on christmas. We´ve been busy with the zone. We´re struggling a lot with them actually but my comp and I are determined to whip them into shape, in a nice3 and loving way of coarse =).
Christmas was way fun. We lit candles and read from the bible. What a neat experience. We but funny 3 peso gifts for everyone that made us cry from laughhing and my comp about peed his pants when he saw thye missionary bib that mom made for us... so funny! thanks mom. I haven+´t gotten letters in like 3 months. The ma}il system is jammied up so write dear elders if you want me to get something hahaha. and last but not least I got new shoes!"!!!! thanks grandma valle for that gift. Well I got to split! I love you all take care.
Love Elder Valle

Jay's letter 12-27-10

I kinda talked to everyone on the phone about my week but I don´t really have to much to talk about to be honest! But to make up for that I just sent you a butt load of photos! I hope you enjoythem.

Its still freaking hot down here and my christmas was great.
Like I said on the phone call we got the church flooded christmas morning and that was the big story this week. We had lots of fun and I can´t wait to share with you more stories.
Coming up for bauptismos we have Ricardo who is really cool. When he came to church yesterday, he wanted to know how to pay tithing. It was awesome! We can´t wait to baptize him, he will be great addition to the church and he will recieve the Holy Ghost. So excited! Christmas is crazy. Dynamite just goes off all night and lots of music and everyone is drunk. It´s the best. Hahaha. Jk. It suck because we cant really contact anyone and there is no one to contact in the street ever. Everyone is in the house sleeping or partying and recovering from the party. But after new years we are back in gear. This week has just been really uneventfull because of how crazy things are here. I heard that you all got a ton of snow this christmas! That is just super exciting!
I will be honest. I did´nt really miss Christmas. I mean, I miss you guys, thats a given. But it didn´t even feel like Christmas down here so I didnt have to worry. It was awesome. I love it.

I feel like I had so much more to write, but it was all in the phone call...hmmm. I hope everythings going good over in Idaho. I was just thinking that Dallan is still in North America. So his mission is like...half a mission. I am waaay farther away. So...yeah. just saying. hahaha. Don´t know where that came from. Love you guys!