Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-17-11

Hey everyone!
I don´t got a lot of time today due to all the references that I had to distribute out to the Zone so sorry about that. You got to do what you gotta do right =) things going great down here. This week we had the baptisms of Hno. Alvaro and his daughter Valeria. We are very grateful for all of the blessing and the success that we have had down here. Elder Munson and I have learned so much and have witnessed miracle after miracle in our lives. I´m sad that he is going home this next week but I love the work and I still got a lil bit of time to give it all I got.
This week was pretty normal. We had a Zone conference which lifted our spirits and we worked hard. There is nothing like a good ol day of hard work, coming home to the house and just crashing. You feel like you rest five minutes and then there again is the alarm clock waking up. I love it! ´Some elders hate it but I love it! I´ve never found such happines and satisfaction in my life.
This week during church we got a call. I answered it and it happened to be Hno. Carlos. Elder Llanos and I had baptized them the year before on new years. He told me that the 5th of Feb they are going to go and get sealed in the temple!!!!!!!! Another temple trip! I´m so excited! There really is nothing better than going to a sealing on your mission. We´ll be going in two weeks my new comp and I.
Today I also got another call from a good mission friend Elder Haro He finished his mission a while ago but came down to see converts and called me so we could meet up. It was fun to talk to him. He actually was left in the mission Mexico Veracruz. He told me that my son Elder Williams just barely got a son!!!!! how cool is that! that means I´m a grandpa!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha°!!!! I got a hoot out of that. Hard work does bring it´s fruits. I´ve seen it quite a bit this week. Love you all and wish you all the best.
Love, Elder Dallan J Valle

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...Dallan is such a wonderful missionary. Seems when someone gets to this point and is such a part of it is time to come home. It will be hard to leave...but so wonderful to see him again. Good job Dallan.
