Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-24-11

Hey Everyone!!!!
Things going great down here in Coatza. Elder Munson is going home this week and my new comp will be Elder Gonzales. He`s a good missionary, I already know him and Ive heard that he`s had quite a bit of success so we`ll see how things go.
The sad thing about this week though is that my camera broke.... I don`t know what happened... I was pretty sad but what can you do. You just got to keep on working. I`ll find what to do. I hope.. hahaha So sorry if there are no fotos for a while.
This week was pretty hard. We had the rain and a few dead days. I swear there was one day that we got rejected by like every person in the street. NOBODY wanted to hear us. It was hard on my comp and me. So and 8 at night we went to our last appointment, we knocked on the door... nada, nothing. So we turned around and started walking away. We both immediatly felt the impression to pray so we did so. As soon as we finished the prayer the girl who we were going to teach opened the door. She was there but had not heard us knock. I still have no clue why she opened the door but she did. I was a neat experience for my comp and for me. The power of prayer is sometimes stronger than you think.
Despite the fact that we had no one listening to us in the week we some how got a lot of investigators to the church. My comp and I have seen numerous blessing of the diligence and the obedience. Where the people come from we have no clue but the Lord has blessed us immensly.
It`s getting pretty hot down here and I`m guessing it`s pretty cold up there.... I`m glad I`m here hahahaha! I can`t even bear to stay in an air condicioned room now. It`s weird.
Well we have a sealing coming up soon and we have as well a few more baptisms. Should be fun with the new comp. I`m going to miss Elder Munson like crazy. He`s probably my favorite comp of the mission. We just had so much fun and a ton of success. But it`s how the mission goes. Only 3 changes left.... What happened to time..... 18 weeks is way to short. I`m going to make the best of it though. Love you all.
Take care!!! Love Elder Valle

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dallan,
    It is hard to believe that your time has gone by already! I know you'll miss your mission...just like your mom did. You've touched so many lives in your short time in Mexico. I'm proud of you. It will be good to see you again. Love, Grandma Line
