Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jay's letter 1-25-11

things going good down here in.....MUNICIPAL MENDOZA. not maipu. haha. Transfer baby!!!!!! I am in Municipal in the city of Mendoza right now. So, I still have yet to hit a camp area. But yeah, I also have a new companion. He is a latin from El Salvador. Elder Guevara. We are working really hard to get some people to church. The Rama is really tiny. I think we have 20 people, which actually is not too bad. Another great perk about my area, is it is one of the only two areas with a Wal Mart. Which means....PEANUT BUTTER. Yes. Entonces, estoy aprovechando de eso cada dia. NOM NOM NOM. We had sone conference this week. It got me so PUMPED. This is the lords work. Mission Pres and I have a great relationship. I have to official nick names in the mission. The first one is Vallecito. I hear that more that Valle. The other one is Baptism blue...or azul bauptismal. My comp had to go to the offices to do paper work (this was in the old area) and i was talking and playing with the APs and they saw my eye. We couldnt really come up with the right color of my left eye. First it was celestial blue. as in, terrestial and telestial. and then one of the APs said Baptism Blue. And we all laughed and I was like YES! So baptism blue is atleast my name in the offices. But I hear Vallecito. All the time. De hecho, hay un calle en my area se llama Vallecito. ¿Chistoso no cierto? Jajaja. Pero, so. Asi que, We are working super hard. Zone Conference yesterday, thats why I didnt write yesterday. But zone confernce was amazing. Hna Lindahl gave a really cool talk. She said a lot of people think the Lindahls never had to work for what they had and they everything was given to them. (fyi, they have a multi million dollar company and he owns like 30 hospitals...yeah). But they told us, they started off poor, and they had to work a ton to be able to serve the lord like this. She said that, marriage will be hard, and it should be, but you gotta work hard and be grateful for what you have. Then President said something very interesting. he said: I hope this mission is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. And then he paused for a while, it was powerful and got you pumped. Estamos empexando, LOCURO DE MARZO. Like, march in this mission, is like huge and everyone works like extra hard in march and it is a huge competition. Hahaha. We are getting excited.
I got a package from the whitings with socks, gum, chapstick and a really really cool Christmas letter. Tell them thanks for me please.
The williams from Amity Ave wrote me, because I was their home teacher forever. The old lady wrote me ahand writter letter. So sweet. Please tell them i recieved it and I loved it, tell them hi, good luck with all the health and stuff and that I will try to write them if I have time. Good week. We worked suuper hard.

Elder Valle

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a wonderful letter Jay! I think your new area will be a great one. And...I love your new name of Baptism Blue :-))))) Love ya', Grandma Line
