Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-3-11

Hey everyone!!!!
Happy new year!!!!
Sorry about last week I had 3 minutes to right. We had to go and by the Zone matresses and fans.... it was a REALLY long day but you got to love being a missionary. Everything about it is absolutely great. This week we had the baptisms of Carmen and Adelina.
It was a fun baptism and the whole ward got involved it was pretty awesome. My comp and I are having so much fun here. We are absolutely tired at the end of each day. In fact on new years we didn`t even wake up. I remember last year that I woke up and 12 exactly because of all the fireworks that went off. this year I woke up to the alarm at 6:30... I was dead beat. The nights go by faster now.. Everything is going by a lot faster now and I`m not very fond of it.
Well I`m going to send a bunch of photos. Christmas, hair cuts, and the baptism. I hope you like it.
Well this week we met Alvaro. He has just come back from work in Tabasco and his wife was baptized the week before he came. He saw such a change in his family that he now has his baptismal date for the 15 of January. The Lord has blessed us immensly down here. This area is hard to baptize in and even harder when you`re a zone leader and have half the time. My comp and I focused on our obedience and we have seen the many blessing that we have recieved. Many missionaries looked as new years as a party pooper. That people would be drunk and would never listen to us. Me and my comp decided that wouldn`t hold us back and we were able to complete our goal of contacts in the street. I love being a missionary. Just lets me know for certain that I^m in the right place. I love you all and take care.
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

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