Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dallan's Letter 12-27-10

Hey everyone.
Don´t have a lot of time to tell thing and I´m going to make a million typing errors but oh well. The week went good. I love my comp and my area. Very small gbut way fun. Jay saying that I have a half mission but his gchristmas was the exacvt same as mine... sigh. It actually rained pretty hard on christmas. We´ve been busy with the zone. We´re struggling a lot with them actually but my comp and I are determined to whip them into shape, in a nice3 and loving way of coarse =).
Christmas was way fun. We lit candles and read from the bible. What a neat experience. We but funny 3 peso gifts for everyone that made us cry from laughhing and my comp about peed his pants when he saw thye missionary bib that mom made for us... so funny! thanks mom. I haven+´t gotten letters in like 3 months. The ma}il system is jammied up so write dear elders if you want me to get something hahaha. and last but not least I got new shoes!"!!!! thanks grandma valle for that gift. Well I got to split! I love you all take care.
Love Elder Valle

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