Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dallan's Letter 1-10-11

Alright... Let`s see how fast I can do this...
Well this week was another great week in Cosole... I mean Coatza. We had two more baptisms this week of La Hna. Gloria and La Hna Charito. This week we actually didn`t have anybody to baptize!!! But my comp and I decided to be 100 % obedient and we were going to trust in the Lord that He would do his part and he did! They were investigators that we had dropped a while ago but they came back telling us that they wanted to get baptized! what a blessing. My comp and I have seen the Lord`s hand in this work and we have found the faith necessary to bless this area. We`re happy because it`s growing and becoming everything that it was meant to be.
This week we went to zone leader conference. It was another spiritual experience and we all loved it. Our President has so much power behind his voice and he`s always so excited to do the work. For a new mission we are doing great actually. But they are pushing us to be more. To do even better. It`s a month of 5 weeks so we`re expecting great things. Half the Zone leaders are going home this month... including my comp =( but the mission will get a lot of new leadership. It should be interesting to see what happens. It`s sad to see all my friends go and just as sad to think that I`m getting to that stage... I really don`t want to because i love this work so much. But I`m giving it my all. Striving to be the best I can be for the Lord.
This week we had our Zone activity and it was soooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I`m so glad I was a boy scout. We did a dinky old relay race but it was one of the funnest activities ever! and we only spent $3... mom you should be proud me. Wheel barrow race, egg toss, missionary dress up race, Scripture chase, you name it. We had a blast and we got really close as a Zone. The Zone has had a lot of problems as far as disobedience but we`re getting out of it. We baptized the second highest in the mission and we`re going up on all are lessons and baptisms so we our happy.
Well I love you all Take care and be safe. Don`t forget to eat your king cake this week!!! hahaha
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

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