Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I know, I know....I'm really behind in posting the boys' letters. But below, I have the letters from the last two weeks, so I hope you will like them and they are worth the wait. I will be getting a post up here soon of all of our fun times with grandbaby Penny's visit with us. Merry Christmas~Kelly

Dallan's Letter 12-20-10

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

I can`t believe that this will be my last christmas in Mexico but it will be one of the best. This is my christmas letter to you all. I didn`t have time to write out one and send it out like I did last year but I hope you`ll enjoy it.
This week I was moved back to Coatza. Elder Munson and I knew each other like a year ago when I was in Temascal. Him and I are like brothers. We absolutely have a blast together. I was a little afraid that I was going to spend christmas with people I didn`t know but I ended up getting to spend it with my best friend! We had a ton of success this week in the area that is considered the armpit of the mission. We baptized Victor this week, have one for christmas, and three for New year. We`re so excited.
We were walking in the street one day when I got a call. A familiar voice asked if she could speak to me. La Hna. Josefa somehow got ahold of me. I don`t know if you all remember Adrian. The eternal investigator that never wanted to get baptized and we finally did. (we`re talking about a year ago) Well his wife, Hna. Josefa called me. She had asked me if I had gotten her letter and I told her no. She acted dissapointed and told me, "oh... well what happened is that me and my family are getting sealed this saturday and we wanted you to come but I guess it`s too late now" of coarse when you`re a missionary nothing is ever to late. At 1:00 in the morning we got up on saturday and made the trip to villahermosa. There I saw another one of my converts. Her and her husband will be getting sealed here soon. It was such a neat experience. To see the man that made my comp and I so determined to do everything to baptize him was now in the temple of the lord. I was a witness at the sealing. When I saw that little girl walk in white it was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It was the best Christmas present God could give to me. I took a photo with them and I sent it to you. Along with the other couple that will be sealed here soon.
The mission is hard. But when stuff like that happens. There is nothing that makes you regret coming here. My joy is full. How grateful I am for the Lord and having sent me here back to coatza. Who knows if I would have been able to go!! It`s going to be a white christmas here in Mexico. I love you all. Merry Christmas!
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

Jay's letter 12-20-10

(YES, he really did spell his own last name wrong at the end, I just copied and pasted-haha!)

Merry Christmas from Argentina

HEY! Well crazy week number two from Maipu! This week was packed.
We were walking on the street and saw this man limping and we went and
conctacted him. We asked him if we could come pray for his health at his
house. We was super dispuesto and we had a great lesson one with him and he
totally thinks the Book of Mormon is true. (: We actually asked him if we
wanted to be baptized the first lesson and said YES! It was great. He is so
cool. Then for the next visit we threw at him, word of wisdom, tithing,
sabbath day holy, and chastity. We both felt inspired. We was like...´´Well,
it´s logical that God would give us those commandments¨and we were both like
YES! He is Sooo ready for the gospel it was great (: He didn´t come to
church this week so that kinda puts back his fecha a little bit but, it´s
all good (:

Well, to be honest the first couple weeks are hard. It´s hard to be here and
it´s harder to get up and exercise, study and talk to people who really
don´t like you at all. But it´s good to embrace the ecperience and learn
from it. It´s hard to be here sometimes but when you are obedient and you
pray and have faith, you get this crazy good feeling like you are just way
happy. It´s crazy (: But I love it (:

No crazy foods yet. I have had waaay to much Spaghetti and Lasagna. The
think that because we are walking all day that we could eat a cow. They make
soooo much food for us . Like too much. I can barely eat the first dish in
the first place. And they try to offer me a lot more. Ah, they eat so much
here. But I do LOVE empanadas. Mmmmm

We went to a christmas party in another barillo because my comp was playing
a bunch of piano for them. And there was this little kid that ripped his
pants. He was gordito and so I had to sew his pants and try to talk to him
in Spanish it was so hard but It was a good memory.Hahahaa. So funny.

So one day we came home from something and we couldnt open our door of our
¨pench¨for the life of us. It was crazy and weird. So we had to ask our
neighboors if we could climb over there house into our back porch thing to
try to get in. we were climbing of wires and roofs and our pants got
freaking dirty and then when we finally got in, we went to go check out the
door and it the dead lock would not turn! We were now locked in....ugh.
So we called our lunch appts and other appts and said we were locked in and
it was so crappy. It was tough and tried for like hours to open and free
oursleves but we couldnt. Ugh. So we called some other elders and they told
us some trick with the key and we finally got out. It was an adventure but
totally crazy. And not fun.

I hate doing my laundry by hand. Hahaha, its kinda gross but all this has
helped me realize what I truly have and how blessed I am.

It doesn´t feel like christmas at all down here, so I am just going on like
normal. Hahaha. Well,
Love, Elder Vale

Dallan's Letter 12-13-10

Hey everyone,
Things went good down here in Cosoleacaque but the sad news is that I won`t be passing "Navidad" or Christmas here. The six week exchange ended and it turned out I was picked to go. I`m not going to lie. I love this area with all my heart. I`ve experienced my most difficult trials and tests here but it is also where I have felt the most joy and love, some of life`s greatest blessings I recieved here in Cosoleacaque. Some of my greatest friends are here and it`s hard knowing that I won`t see them for a long time. Funny thing is though that I`m only going 30 min away from this area to a place called Coatza! hahaha can you believe it! I`m back where I started! hahaha weird how things work out. I`ll be going with a gringo called Elder Munson and the best part is that he is one of my best friends in the mission!!!!!! I was shocked when they told me he`d be my comp and I`m way excited. Him and I will be the Zone Leaders of the Coatza Mexico Zone.
This week we got the suprise news that we`d be going to the temple. On thursday we went. What a treat. The best christmas gift that a missionary can recieve. I haven´t gone in one year.... one year!!!! that`s way too long. Good thing is I don`t have to wait to long to go again. It was just so peaceful. I could think and escape from all the stress. The cool part is that I understood everything this time. Last time I didn`t quite get it because I didn`t know spanish but this time I was able to enjoy it.

hahaha I hit the send button before I even finished... perdon. Anyways. Things went good this week. A little slow due to the fact that everyone here is Catholic and went to the parade of the virgin mary. You would never see that in Idaho, but here in Mexico it`s the thing to do. We worked hard though and finished well. I`ll miss my comp. He`s a good guy and likes to work. I`m sad to go but excited for what`s to come. Funny thing is that we went to a training conference and I slept in my new house... it`s SO NICE!!!!!!! It`s like a house from the USA. I got cupboards! how cool is that! I`ll send you all photos when I can. I thought I`d be spending christmas with people I don`t know but I get to spend it with friends so I`ll be ok. hahaha I love you all and hope you`re enjoying the christmas season.
Love Elder Dallan Valle

Jay's letter 12-13-10

Aregentina is freakin crazy! And if I spell anything bad it´s not because I am forgetting English its because they keyboards here are freakin weird. Culture Shocked is how a feel. Well, I am here and I am safe and I left my list of stuff to talk about at the pench, and so I might have to remember alot of stuff. Lets start off with the basics.

My companion is from Utah. Elder Pedersen, he reminds me SOOO much of Uncle Dan. He is kinda famous or something becuase he is like a wizard at the piano. His teacher was David Glenn Hatch (google him), he has already been to Argentina before to play for a touring concert, and he has played for the pope. Soooo...lets just say, he is REALLY good at piano. And of course he plays for the barillo. We are serving in the coolest place ever! There is this little town called Maipu. Google that too. It´s amazing and the memebers are SOOOO coool. So I love my a lot. It´s so great. We live in the most ghetto place ever and so, I can´t really send letters or buy anything cool because there is nothing here to buy or nowhere to send mail...but it´s all good.

So the Second day I was here we had lunch with an ex-Catholic Bishop whose family was all mormon. When we got there he was really mad because we were late. His whole family was nice though, they were members. He started talkging to us about tithing and he didn´t believe that the bishop didn´t get anything for it. And then he offered me wine and it was kinda weird. Wine is everywhere just fyi. It was getting kinda heated when my comp finally told me that he was OUR bishop. It was sooo funny. We actually laughed and he is SUCH a cool guy. good prank. Second one, we went to go talk to this family and the kids were so funny...they offered me candy looking stuff and just sso they would be happy I ate it and it was actually dog food. Gross I know.

We had a cool ward party this week. The other we were doing our 20 contacts for the day and we stopped by this weird guy named walter. We invited him to the Party and he was like...sure, yeah. ok. hahaha, but it was funny. We weer at the party which was supposed to start at like 830 but it actually started at like nine. And he showed up! He is kinda weird but I am looking forward to teaching him. Cool guy. They are so funny. We had our ward party and they played Justin Bieber. The kids love Justin Bieber and the ward listens to him all the time. So funny. In English too.

I was going to send pictures but I really didnt have time too and I left the cord at home...but it´s all good.
I love Maipu a lot! This place is awesome. The people are cool but the government sucks. Hahaha. But, It´s all good.

I played soccer with the zones this morning. Freaking nativos are way good a futbol. It was bad. Hahaha.
I have some great pictures, too bad I cant show you guys.
I have a calling the Ward. Me and my comp teach Gospel Principles, and I´m the ward chorister. Not just at church, at everything. It´s so funny. I love the ward tho.
(you don´t have to put the next line in the letter you send out to everyone) but, everyone is like WAY impressed with spanish. or...castellano.

My mission Pres. is WAY cool. And WAY funny. Enough said.
Its freakin HOT over here. Christmas kinda doesnt exist. It´s kinda like Wine, Alcohol and fireworks all the time. Hahaha.
The most ghetto part of Nampa is like the norm here. I havent seen carpet anywhere. Every house I have been in is dirt and concrete. Kinda crazy, but its all good.
I can´t thing of much to say right now and I am kinda kicking myself that I forgot the list but I kinda didnt know we would be coming to Mendoza for our P-day, so it´s all good. I met Elder Beck and it was way fun to talk with him.
We had like 5 people ready for baptisms. We were so excited to get them wet and then they keep dropping out. week! We will baptize. I have faith.
I love you all! Have a fantastic week. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

Elder Valle

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay arrived in Argentina

Email from the mission office:
Dear parents of our wonderful missionaries,
Your son has arrived safe and sound to our great mission here in Mendoza, Argentina. We are so very thankful for him and for your sacrifices on his behalf. We look forward to getting to know him, serving with him, and loving and caring for him as he serves our Savior.

Sincerely,Hermana Nope
Secretary Misión Argentina Mendoza

Dallan's Letter 12-6-10

Hey everyone!
It`s been a hetic week. A lot of traveling and doing things but it`s all good. I love being a zone leader. So many blessing that you recieve from the Lord. Well on Monday we went an did the service project and after that we went home packed our stuff and went teaching for 3 hours. On Tuesday we got up early and went to Acayucan (hour long bus ride) for our interviews with the president. What a neat expierience. I love having Pres. Castañeda as president. We talked about the Zone and made some goals for me and the zone. We talked about the atonement of Christ and how it helps us to realize the grand importance of our calling. Very neat experience for me. He gave us a ride to Villahermosa. Funny to see the president on his more relaxed and joking side. Wednesday we had Zone Leader Council and we came home that same day. We worked the rest of the week and had the baptism of Alan. It was a really busy week. I don`t have a lot to say about it though. hahahaha. Sorry. I don`t have a whole lot of time either. I doing great though. Loving every minute. Exchanges are this week. But truth be told I don`t want to go... We`ll see what happens. I love you all. Take care.
Love Elder Valle