Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jay's letter 12-13-10

Aregentina is freakin crazy! And if I spell anything bad it´s not because I am forgetting English its because they keyboards here are freakin weird. Culture Shocked is how a feel. Well, I am here and I am safe and I left my list of stuff to talk about at the pench, and so I might have to remember alot of stuff. Lets start off with the basics.

My companion is from Utah. Elder Pedersen, he reminds me SOOO much of Uncle Dan. He is kinda famous or something becuase he is like a wizard at the piano. His teacher was David Glenn Hatch (google him), he has already been to Argentina before to play for a touring concert, and he has played for the pope. Soooo...lets just say, he is REALLY good at piano. And of course he plays for the barillo. We are serving in the coolest place ever! There is this little town called Maipu. Google that too. It´s amazing and the memebers are SOOOO coool. So I love my a lot. It´s so great. We live in the most ghetto place ever and so, I can´t really send letters or buy anything cool because there is nothing here to buy or nowhere to send mail...but it´s all good.

So the Second day I was here we had lunch with an ex-Catholic Bishop whose family was all mormon. When we got there he was really mad because we were late. His whole family was nice though, they were members. He started talkging to us about tithing and he didn´t believe that the bishop didn´t get anything for it. And then he offered me wine and it was kinda weird. Wine is everywhere just fyi. It was getting kinda heated when my comp finally told me that he was OUR bishop. It was sooo funny. We actually laughed and he is SUCH a cool guy. good prank. Second one, we went to go talk to this family and the kids were so funny...they offered me candy looking stuff and just sso they would be happy I ate it and it was actually dog food. Gross I know.

We had a cool ward party this week. The other we were doing our 20 contacts for the day and we stopped by this weird guy named walter. We invited him to the Party and he was like...sure, yeah. ok. hahaha, but it was funny. We weer at the party which was supposed to start at like 830 but it actually started at like nine. And he showed up! He is kinda weird but I am looking forward to teaching him. Cool guy. They are so funny. We had our ward party and they played Justin Bieber. The kids love Justin Bieber and the ward listens to him all the time. So funny. In English too.

I was going to send pictures but I really didnt have time too and I left the cord at home...but it´s all good.
I love Maipu a lot! This place is awesome. The people are cool but the government sucks. Hahaha. But, It´s all good.

I played soccer with the zones this morning. Freaking nativos are way good a futbol. It was bad. Hahaha.
I have some great pictures, too bad I cant show you guys.
I have a calling the Ward. Me and my comp teach Gospel Principles, and I´m the ward chorister. Not just at church, at everything. It´s so funny. I love the ward tho.
(you don´t have to put the next line in the letter you send out to everyone) but, everyone is like WAY impressed with spanish. or...castellano.

My mission Pres. is WAY cool. And WAY funny. Enough said.
Its freakin HOT over here. Christmas kinda doesnt exist. It´s kinda like Wine, Alcohol and fireworks all the time. Hahaha.
The most ghetto part of Nampa is like the norm here. I havent seen carpet anywhere. Every house I have been in is dirt and concrete. Kinda crazy, but its all good.
I can´t thing of much to say right now and I am kinda kicking myself that I forgot the list but I kinda didnt know we would be coming to Mendoza for our P-day, so it´s all good. I met Elder Beck and it was way fun to talk with him.
We had like 5 people ready for baptisms. We were so excited to get them wet and then they keep dropping out. week! We will baptize. I have faith.
I love you all! Have a fantastic week. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

Elder Valle

1 comment:

  1. Very good email, Dallan:-) So good to read your letter. You write so very well. Sounds like you do like your area, even tho' trying to stay dry fills lots of your days, etc. I got to fly back for Jay's farewell in September. OMGoodness...2 grandsons farewells - I must be getting old(er) or something like that...ha.ha.Your old room at home just doesn't seem real --- without you and Jay there. And...Imagine you walking down those streets, soaking wet, but very happy with new contacts, etc. Things worked out for me to come to Jay's, gee whiz I sure hope the same thing happens and that your mission goes well these last few months. Love you much!!!Grandma Line:-)))
