Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dallan's Letter 12-13-10

Hey everyone,
Things went good down here in Cosoleacaque but the sad news is that I won`t be passing "Navidad" or Christmas here. The six week exchange ended and it turned out I was picked to go. I`m not going to lie. I love this area with all my heart. I`ve experienced my most difficult trials and tests here but it is also where I have felt the most joy and love, some of life`s greatest blessings I recieved here in Cosoleacaque. Some of my greatest friends are here and it`s hard knowing that I won`t see them for a long time. Funny thing is though that I`m only going 30 min away from this area to a place called Coatza! hahaha can you believe it! I`m back where I started! hahaha weird how things work out. I`ll be going with a gringo called Elder Munson and the best part is that he is one of my best friends in the mission!!!!!! I was shocked when they told me he`d be my comp and I`m way excited. Him and I will be the Zone Leaders of the Coatza Mexico Zone.
This week we got the suprise news that we`d be going to the temple. On thursday we went. What a treat. The best christmas gift that a missionary can recieve. I haven´t gone in one year.... one year!!!! that`s way too long. Good thing is I don`t have to wait to long to go again. It was just so peaceful. I could think and escape from all the stress. The cool part is that I understood everything this time. Last time I didn`t quite get it because I didn`t know spanish but this time I was able to enjoy it.

hahaha I hit the send button before I even finished... perdon. Anyways. Things went good this week. A little slow due to the fact that everyone here is Catholic and went to the parade of the virgin mary. You would never see that in Idaho, but here in Mexico it`s the thing to do. We worked hard though and finished well. I`ll miss my comp. He`s a good guy and likes to work. I`m sad to go but excited for what`s to come. Funny thing is that we went to a training conference and I slept in my new house... it`s SO NICE!!!!!!! It`s like a house from the USA. I got cupboards! how cool is that! I`ll send you all photos when I can. I thought I`d be spending christmas with people I don`t know but I get to spend it with friends so I`ll be ok. hahaha I love you all and hope you`re enjoying the christmas season.
Love Elder Dallan Valle

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