Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dallan's Letter 12-20-10

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

I can`t believe that this will be my last christmas in Mexico but it will be one of the best. This is my christmas letter to you all. I didn`t have time to write out one and send it out like I did last year but I hope you`ll enjoy it.
This week I was moved back to Coatza. Elder Munson and I knew each other like a year ago when I was in Temascal. Him and I are like brothers. We absolutely have a blast together. I was a little afraid that I was going to spend christmas with people I didn`t know but I ended up getting to spend it with my best friend! We had a ton of success this week in the area that is considered the armpit of the mission. We baptized Victor this week, have one for christmas, and three for New year. We`re so excited.
We were walking in the street one day when I got a call. A familiar voice asked if she could speak to me. La Hna. Josefa somehow got ahold of me. I don`t know if you all remember Adrian. The eternal investigator that never wanted to get baptized and we finally did. (we`re talking about a year ago) Well his wife, Hna. Josefa called me. She had asked me if I had gotten her letter and I told her no. She acted dissapointed and told me, "oh... well what happened is that me and my family are getting sealed this saturday and we wanted you to come but I guess it`s too late now" of coarse when you`re a missionary nothing is ever to late. At 1:00 in the morning we got up on saturday and made the trip to villahermosa. There I saw another one of my converts. Her and her husband will be getting sealed here soon. It was such a neat experience. To see the man that made my comp and I so determined to do everything to baptize him was now in the temple of the lord. I was a witness at the sealing. When I saw that little girl walk in white it was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It was the best Christmas present God could give to me. I took a photo with them and I sent it to you. Along with the other couple that will be sealed here soon.
The mission is hard. But when stuff like that happens. There is nothing that makes you regret coming here. My joy is full. How grateful I am for the Lord and having sent me here back to coatza. Who knows if I would have been able to go!! It`s going to be a white christmas here in Mexico. I love you all. Merry Christmas!
Love Elder Dallan J Valle

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