Monday, August 13, 2012


Baptism of Matias. 
This week was great.

So on my birthday, one of our investigators chose me to baptize him. It was a great little present and it was great day. I din´t tell anyone about my birthday, because as mom knows, i don´t really like my own birthday. So, it was good because we did intercambios with my good buddy Elder Falcon, and we went to go preach. I hadn´t told anyone except for one of my pench comps. So we were walking in the street when we saw an older couple from the church, and they had stopped to talk with us for a second and then they just asked the craziest and most coincidental question: " elder, cuando cumple los 21?""hoy de hecho.....como sabía?. " "en serio, ni sabíamos....feliz cumple". then that went around the ward as fast as a rumor. it was great (: hahaha. anyways, when i got home, we had walked in and there was cake, baloons and sprite for us.
from the elder who i had told. i feel super bad because i think the cake was expensive....hahaha. ug. anwyays, it was good. i didn´t want to celebrate anything big, i really just wanted to work super hard, because this will be my last birthday in the mission. anyways, that was fun,

 this morning we went to a big cool place called valle grande. you can imagine how many jokes i got about that....
"but, valle is small....hahahaha"
"this is valle grande and your valle pequeña....hahaha" the list goes on.

 it was a beautiful place with mountains and a huge lake.
we also baptized the son of jaqueline. she is waaay converted and so we are super excited about that, she is working with us alot to baptize more people and we are also starting to baptize her sons.
 its great.
 san rafael is changing and now i realize a little bit why president put me here (:
anyways, love you guys!

 hey, i just sent you guys a ton of photos. i hope that makes up for all the writing i wasnt able to do. the bus back from valle grande was late....but, i will try to write with more detail next week. we had a baptism and the zone is doing super good. i am the only zone leader for a little bit. a little daunting the tasks is, but we shall see.

hahaha. i love you guys! have a great week (:
elder valle

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