Saturday, August 25, 2012


this week has been good. not a lot has happened, but alot has. this week i got my new comp.yeah, i was with another elder named elder zanabria from spain. his comp had also gone home, so we stuck together for a couple days til our companions got up to san rafael.
Elder Wixom
 my new comp is elder wixom from st. george utah. and to be honest we get along incredibly well. i would name off all the reason for why we are and how well we get along, but i will just name a few. we love the same kind of music (michael buble, norah jones, indie stuff) and we both love graphic design. his dad actually does it for a living. also, we bothe want to do advertising after the mission and we both have the same dream job...haha, church advertising. uhmmm.what else. we both play piano by ear, we actually wrote a way sick song on pday i will have to send to you. it was pretty sick. also, we just both are simple obedient, so there is no weird awkwardness of fights about being obeident. we just do it. and we both know when to laugh and when not to it has been great. also, we have found lots of the same ideas, and we are just on thesame pagea s far as leadership and doing missionary work. we are trying to focus alot on changing san rafael. and it´s changed a lot, and its getting better. he just barely went up as zone leader, so i am doing zone leader training again. he went up at 16 months just like i did, so we both have the same feel about the mission and stuff. it has been a good week. we have been going to other areas securing baptisms and trying to make a lot fthings happen. last night, me and my comp did this thing in the zone called a white strom. its where all the missionaries in the whole zone get together to go out and work in onew area for just 3 hours on pday. almost the whole zone. this area we went to was called caudro nacional. we went out for alittle bit, and all came back to see how we did. in total we found 28 new investigators just for that one area! hahaha. so we are going to do it next week in a different area...normally for the struggling areas (: we are super excited. we should also be getting our baptismal goal this month which is super exciting. next week i start my last transfer and i just gotta work my hardest. it shall be good. i´m gonna send you guys some pictures too
I was walking in our area when I heard drums. so i knocked the door and asked if i could play.
man...i am sooo rusty. it´s been forever. i still did good though
(: thanks for everything (: we had meeting yesterday so i coudlnt write yesterday (: love you guys!
elder valle

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