Monday, June 25, 2012


Travel Group to San Rafael
hey guys,
i gotta try to keep it short.
this week has been alright. a lot of stuff seems to be slipping form my hands, as being zone leader always isnt the easiest. we had a baptism this week and we also had more planned. its tough when all the missionaries are really doing everything that they are supposed to be doing. we have a ton of stuff to do.
Eating at Hollywood Burger
be praying for eliza. she is facing lots of opposition from her family as she tries to join the church. it was tough, and the mission in itself isnt doing so hot. i wish i could say lots of stuff happened this week, but it was super hard trying to get the elders to work and i am working witha pretty disobeident zone. i dont have a lot of time because i have to meet upewith the elders in the stake center in ten mintues and then get back to my area to work. we have to be on top of a lot of things. anyways, my tooth is fine. i still havent gone in to try and fix it, just because i am super busy with zone stuff and its killing me knowing that i will have to sacrifice time from my area to visit a dentist. i promise i will though (: sorry for the short letter this week, but i sent a ton of photos.

Wine at Casa Bianchi Winery
Tour at Casa Bianchi Winery
the bodega we visited was super sick and i had lots of fun. we are trying our hardest to get most of the elders to be more obedient (: we will see how it goes. thanks for the prayers. it really does help, and i will keep working super hard for the Lord. Love you all,
love, elder valle (:
with companion, Elder Gonzales

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