Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey Family! That super fun. I am glad that everyone was in Nampa for a little bit. I love Nampa. Thats cool that Ben Nelson is headed to Dallans mission. I hope some random kid from Nampa area gets sent to Mendoza and I can send stuff to my converts and stuff.
1) No news yet about the mothers day call. I will probably get some wednesday when I go to Consejo.
2)She couldnt take the leap of faith! Her work called her in and she had a ton of complications and had to travel to San Rafael (like four hours away) and then she stayed out there for work this weekend....yeah, it was a bummer. We tried our best...i don´t feel to bad about it.
3) I went with the Cabrera family. probably my favorite family from the mission, they are getting sealed this month I believe in Chile. They are going to go to the airport when I leave to say goodbye to me. Hahaha. Love them.
4) We were only together one transfer. We get along good, but we werent baptizing and there werent alot of results. So, they changed us. It was fun to train him because I could do what I want, but he changed soo much after 14 months.
5) I don´t miss him. Great guy...just different styles of teaching.
6) My new companion is almost done with the mission 12 weeks left. I might be his last comp. He is great...he like Joseph Smith a little too much and i might buy him deodorant, but other than that we get a long good. I am kind of the more domanant one the companionship. I like it though.
7) I thought i did send you them. I will try again.
8) The dental work wasn´t that big a of a deal. I already got it done. they basically gave me new tooth and had to drill out a bunch. it was easy. my mouth feels great now!
9) We painted a childrens school. it was way old and it looked like it was super old...which it was. anyways, we just painted the school.
10) Before I was co comps(equal comps) with elder rios, just because it was my first transfer being zone leader and he was younger than it was a little weird.
11) We got five baptisms his months. The mission is on a big low right now. the manner of baptizing has been changed and yeah...its all different the mission now. we have consejo this we will see what changes they make. we are not baptizing as much as i would like to, but i did all i could. our goal was eight (uggg). so fet the downs to get the ups.

I am feeling really good and the only thing i miss is people. So, I am doing great. This week was kinda uneventdul because we had transfers and yeah, everything is new. I live in a pench of all it will be super fun. they built the first burger king in our whole mission last me and the other elders went to check it out today. i had onion rings! can you believe that? it was kinda weird. it wasnt like i was in argentina. anyways. we had a good week. i hope you guys have great week. keep claudia and yamila in your prayers .people thatreally deserve the gospel in their lives (: love you guys!
Elder valle

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jay I can see you are working very hard for our Father to edified his kingdom here on I'm to you for giving this special time of your life to uplift peoples hearts with the message of our to read about your experiences thank you for you parents to share this with us, thank you again Elder Valle
