Monday, May 14, 2012


Familia Valle,
beanies from the package we sent for upcoming winter
Crazy day today. We have so much to do todfay. I will try to keep this email un random and in order (:
I am so excited to talk to you guys this sunday at six o clock in the tarde my time and listen to your voices. It shall be fun (: I sent mom all the information and Grandma Etelvina. I hope she remembers who I am. This week we had meetings and more meetings. The first meeting was for zone leaders. We didn´t reach our baptismal goal. Bummer. We have lots of people for this month and we should easily get the goal, and that makes me happy. But I feel like its better to be constant and tru to the goal instead of one months baptize a lot and another month baptize little. It´s just not the best way. I am trying to install that in the missionaries this transfer. I am also trying to install more animo and get them excited to do the work (: Sometimes, I feel too hard on them, like I might be pressuring too much...but I try to not let that get to me. is part of my calling. Haha...but I do it with love. No fear. We had consejo and President Avila is sure warming up to being funny with us. At the beginning of his presidency, He was a little strict, and thats cool, but now he knows how to make the mission work fun. He showed us clips of the Argentine football team and of Messi and all the sick goals that they made in history. He related the soccer team to a zone and district leaders. It was super awesome. He also showed some Michael Jordan clips for us gringos. It was sick! We learned a lot and my zone is doing very good. We have good new Elderes. We will be working hard for that. At the end of consejo, we went to Presidents house for lunch (super fun) I played paino for one mini zone leader talent show. I have gotten a lot better on the mission. They liked it. And then, we went to the stake center and played dodgeball! oh about sweet reward for being a zone leader. I didn´t realize how out of shape i was. i need to start up again. haha. anyways, the next day we had another meeting with all the zone leaders and district leaders. it was a lot bigger, not as personal, but it was still fun to see all my buddies and see how stuff was going in their areas and talk about my old areas with them (. super fun. We also had a meeting this sunday with the ap´s and my disrtict leaders and us. it was fun, idk what the point of it was, but it was fun (: we also have to fill out a bunch of informes and registros and stuff. it is quite the load, but it is hard to get all the elders to do things for the work and not just because i told them too (: haha. i am working on it. I realized that one of my weaknesses, is trusting other elders to get stuff done. my work would be so much easier if i could delegate people to do it. I have a hard time trusting people and letting them do important stuff, because i can usually trust myself (: anyways, i am working on it. I am excited to talk on sunday with you guys! come with questions...i have a hard time starting a conversation in english. spanish is easy so it sounds like etelvina and grandpa get an advantage. haha. crazy. i will try to send you guys pictures and stuff. hope that i can do it! thanks for everything guys.

Love Elder Valle
p.s. got four people to church on sunday! whoo!!

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