Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hey Everyone,
This week has just been....crazy. Just for the missionary work part of it...nothing has changed with me. Hahaha. La Punta first of all, is an amaaazing place. I really believe San Luis is one of the areas of the church where we are growing the most. I love working in this type of area. The members are all excited about the growth of the idea and the idea that we could get our own chapel someday if we work hard enough in the work of the Lord. Anyways, everything is going great, it was just a crazy week.
We confirmed three people members of the church this week. Javier, Jessica and Facundo. Javier and Jessica are a young married couple looking for a better life. They found that obviously. And Facundo is Jessicas little brother who we baptized last week. Anyways, so one thing that I found out about La Punta this week...is that church is in a house. Hahaha. We go twice a month to church in a house and the other two times we travel about half an hour to go to church closer to centro. So this week we had church in the house of one of these active members. He has a pretty nice garage I guess, so we had church there. Well, he obviously has his garage stuff in the "chapel"....wood, bicycles, his pet birds and stuff. Anyways, so we started to confirm Javier in the Sacrament Meeting and the birds...idk why..just went nuts. They are like these really small super super bright yellow birds. Anyways, they started to sing and make all these crazy loud bird sounds. It was kind of embarassing for our convert Javier....but he was way cool. Anyways, we had to ask the guy to take out his bird cage because the birds were not inviting the spirit. Only in Argentina. Anyways, they all got confirmed. La Punta was also waaay excited because our stake president came to church with us at the house! La Punta is exploding...and the president told us that if we can get enough people baptized and confirmed and remaning active, that we could be our own ward and get a chapel....here in La Punta. Anyways....the members are super excited and we sohuld start recieiving lots of help from the ward. I personally am super excited (:
This week it rained...A TON. Like...this is the most rain I have felt in my life. It almost hurt. And then we had super huge hail that fell down too that also hurt. A couple them hit my ears and i still kinda hurt in my ears. My book and my agenda were completely destroyed and obviously my shoes are almost dry. I obviously couldn´t take any pictures...but luckily we had lunch with the relief society president who heated us up and gave us towels and a wicked lunch too. We were relieved. Oh yeah, and the thunder was just WAY loud. Both me and my comp we like...kind of ducked and almost covered our ears because the thunder just sounded like it was headphone. It was nuts. Lighting was super bright. I will never forget that day. The hermana was mad that we didn´t call a taxi or call her so she could come pick us up....but me and my comp decided this would probably be a super fun experience seeing what happened. And it was.
Hey! I got your package and I love it! Thanks so much. I am addicted to the EFY cd. Seriously. Amazing.
I have to go to mendoza tomorrow because I have to renew my visa. Anyways, It´s kinda crazy because I have to travel four hours...ALONE (freaking weird) get to mendoza...sign like two papers and then go back four hours again. I really don´t want to. There is a lot to do in my area...so...anyways. That will be interesting.
My district is doing pretty good. One thing I am trying really hard to do is love them and their investigadores. I guess I realized it´s hard for me to love people I don´t know and even though I don´t have to know the people in other areas, I still need to pray for them and help them. I was just doing a lot of reflectioning this week. I love how the mission...in it´s distinct ways helps us to realize the things that we need to be doing better. I love being a missionary. My comp got box last week and his parents had sent him maple flavoring...maple syrup!!!! (does not exist here). So i will send you a picture of us eating pancakes with maple syrup. mmmmmmmm. long time. I hope you guys have a great week, i might write more If i get more time here.
Hasta luego,
Elder Valle

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