Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hey Family.
This week was good (: It was a little crazy because I barely had any time in my area or to talk to my investigators! I felt trapped I wanted so much to teach and talk and pray with them but this week was so hard because we had so many things to do this week (:
First thing. My Mission credit card got eaten in the ATM....i guessi put in the wrong password and they ate it. Ug....it´s going to be a PAIN trying to get this card back. So I have been pulling money off my personal just so you know mom (:
After pday they told me that I had to go to mendoza ASAP so I could get my VISA renewed before i became illegal. Anyways...I had to go on tuesday. I went to mendoza and got there at 12 at night and then i had to get up at six the next day so i coudl go get in line and wait for the fingerprinting place to get me a spot. i finally got in, got my fingerprints done and i was good to go! wow...so then I had to travel to San Luis again (four hour bus ride back) and i had to wait in the terminal for my bus. they dropped me off at eleven and my bus didn´t leave til two. They told me i would have to be alone for a while. WEIRD feeling to be honest. I really got a glimpse of what it might have been like or how hard it would have been to preach the gospel like the apostles who didn´t have companions and had to be perfectly obedient. I could go on an on about the comparison but you guys get he gist. It was a boring experience to be hoenst. I found one guy to talk to who actually spoke english and lived in virgina for like five years....go figure. Anyways, that was nuts. Next day (thanksgiving) President came up to do Leadership trainging for our zone. He spoke a lot about how the church is changing the way of doing missionary work. No longer will we nknock doors. the goal is that the missioanries work with pure references...crazy right? But we know that we can have success. I would challenge you to think of someone (anyone....a neighboor...just and random person that live in the ward boundaires) and tell the missionaries where they live on sunday and ask them to visit them. They will be thrilled!! Even though they might not be baptized, we are planting seeds and working ina new way. Should be great. they evening the zone had thanksgiving.
Rolls, chicken, chorizo, mashed potatoes...and someone had there mom send them gravy packets (MMMMMM) i also made a peach cobbler for the thing. Way yummy. It was a little argentine because we didn´t have any turkey. it kinds doesnt exist here. or it is waaaaaay expensive. So, it was fun. The next day worked a little bit in our area (finally) and the next day i had to do divisions with my district. they are not being disobedient but they just don´t get along (atleast they are baptizing though!). They are not doing to hot as far as companioship unity goes. So it was a little intense trying to fiz the problems. The hermanas in my district are also lossing some investigators...which is super hard for them. So it was a little nuts. We also had to get people to stake conference which was a little tough because it is so far away. Then sunday night....it started rainging and hailing like no other again. It was nuts. Too dangerous to go outside too....it was a little dissapointing not getting much done. But we had thing to take care of. It´s interesting how many things god puts in our way. I am having lots of fun. Me and my comp are at one of the points in the mission where there is no one progressing...no one really wants to get baptized. It´s tough. I am so used to working so much and helping people get to church. It´s weird when you have to look for people...i guess i am supposed to learn something. We will see what it is (: I hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving (: I might try to get some cool photos to you guys today.

This moning we went to a lake and played soccer which was in the middle of a huge argentine race track.

it was acually pretty cool! i will try to get those to you (: love you guys (:
Elder Valle

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