Saturday, November 19, 2011


La Punta is doing way good. It´s kinda a weird area. it´s actually only like nine years old and missionaries have only been here for like two years almost. we actually are alost our own barrio! we are way excited for that to happen. we just need to baptized like 2 or three more elders and thats it. boom! new ward in the world! anyways...we are working super hard. my comp´s spanish is pretty rough, so i end up talking alot of the time...but that doesn´t bother me. i really don´t know why, but here in san luis, everyone thinks i´m latino. like...from buenos aires or something....? nada que ver. i even have an accent and i look white....but they say i don´t have too bad of an accent. so, idk. pretty weird. but i like it here. it is for sure probably the richest area i have been in on my mission. a lot of poeple have their own computer...some with interenet...and a few have cars of their own. its way nice to escape the heat of san juan for the summer and come down here to san luis. when i was san was super tought with the weather, but here its super nice and chill.
we baptized a kid named facundo this week. we actually had our trials trying to get him baptized but it was super fun. his whole family was baptized like...two weeks ago. but he always was busy with soccer stuff that he didn´t have "the time" to listen. so we went this week and taught him all the commandments. he had already been to church like 5 times and loved all of it. it was raining a ton sunday almost no one came to church. but facundo and his family did obviously. me found them at the bus stop waiting
he is way funny and reminds me alot of the humor i had when i was his age. anyways, it was crazy. i feel a little crazy out here because i don´t know the area, but im senior comp and i am supposed to lead the area. so i want to do things right but i don´t know where to go and my comp is still way new. but i know things will work out. anyways, we are having lots of fun. we are teaching this way amazing family whoa are all professional belly dancers. yeah, it´s a little weird but it´s super sick. luckily they havent performed for me or anything...hahaha. i hope not. they also speak arabic and she transleted i am a child of god for us. it´s pretty cool! anyways, pray fro them. the familia quevedo and the familia quiroga. they need a lot of personal revelation to know they need to get baptized. the love church, so that´s not a problem. haha.
my new comp is cool. elder taylor...he is actually a convert of about one year and one month. he decided to get baptized and serve a mission. he is from....Ventura, California. Isn´t that where dad served? that´s way cool right. anyways. he grew up in a place called Ojay. Maybe dad remembers that. Man. i love the people here. i hope everything is going great in nampa. how are dalan and miranda? good?
i love you guys. happy holidays. haha
love elder valle.

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