Thursday, September 29, 2011


well, everyone and everyone is talking about uchtdorfs talk that i didn´t see (: i want to see it, or read it soo bad (: but it´s ok, with general conference this week, i will get my fill of apostle talks right? soudns great. glad to see my cousin had a cute baby. congratulations eryka (: that´s neat. all of us are getting way old. cousins with babies and dallans getting engaged, feels kinda weird but it´s making life more and more exciting (:

this weekend we had the baptisms of three wonderful people. Leonela Palacios, and Solangel (Sun angel) and Roco (Yes, that´s his real name). Haha. Leonela since day one we met her has been super nice and super welcoming when we go to her house. Even though she can´t read, she had such a desire to get baptized and so she hopes that her family will follow. She´s only 26 years old but she has been married since she was 18 and has two kids. It´s been tough, but she´s super nice and laughs at my accent. Haha. Luckily, some of her family are members and so I think that will help her stay strong in the gospel. Me and my compnanion are super proud of the progress she has made in coming to church and sacrificing her time to get to church with her crazy two daughters (: haha.

Solangel and Roco are from the Flia. Gonzalez. They are waay funny and they always make me laugh way hard. Solangel and Roco are from a family who will one day all get baptized. One day me and elder robles were eating lunch and there was the sister of the Hermana who gave us lunch. We asked her if we could come by her house one we went the next day to go talk to this lady, the sister of the hermana. and then when were visiting her, we found her neighbors who were the flia. gonzales. We taught about the Sacrament and how it´s a commandment and stuff. And since that day that have all been progressing and super nice. Aldana (baptism from last week) is from that family and gave a talk in sacrament meeting this week. she was way nervous but she bore her testimony and it was the best ever! when converts give makes you wanna cry. you can´t deny that they have a testimony and it´s the best thing (for me) that can happen on the mission. Way SICK!

we had 40 people at the baptism and 5 investigators. it was way cool! we are getting the whole ward involved and i love to organize such a big event. i kinda get too worried making sure that the refreshments will be ok and that everything goes perfectly (: hahaha. everyone was like...¡elder valle, tranquilizate! i can get worried about the details sometimes. haha (:

I am way way excited for General Conference this week (: Don´t even know what to do with my self. my investigators are way excited too. going to be a great weekend (:

I got one of moms "buzz cuts" this week for the heat. It´s getting hot. So, i decided to take it all off. I don´t look too good, but I do look like a missionary so thats all that matters (: Transfers are today, but hopefully i stay here (: i love it here in Albardon so we will see (: have a great weekend! i will try to get photos off (:

Elder Valle

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