Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Conference was the best thing EVER. Favorite parts (:

L. Whitney Clayton talked about how the church´s growth needed explanation and how it is caused by the message of Jesus Christ...how we are fulfilling prophecies and how only 85 years ago, the first members were baptized in South America. Wow. Look where we are now.

Jose L. Alonso....HUGE BOSS: Do the right thing at the right time without delay. there is no need for lenghty programs...the church has already done the part...just apply your effort and get it done.

Uchtdorf killed it again with his god loves you talks. We sometimes feel small, but in god´s eyes he loves us infinitely.
Bednar chose a very very unique tema...but it was a way cool topic. who would have thought about talking about that! he made family history sound like the most important thing ever...and if we don´t do it...we are sinning. that's how i felt. lol.
Neil L. Andersen...haha, make babies. That´s all.
D. Todd Christofferson...oh man that fuy is just way smart...he said...it is mocking god if we expect to receive the blessing of the atonement and do not put in our effort...SO TRUE. I see people who don´t do much and expect to be saved because they say the believe...that's all. crazy stuff.

My favorite talk of the whole conference was by Jeffery R. Holland in the priesthood session. He compared the gospel and work of the lord like a war. He made me feel the need to dedicate my entire life to God and missionary work. I LOVED IT. He spoke so boldy and so straight up and made me feel like i was in the locker room getting a pep talk from a coach. all the missionaries went nuts...it was the best talk ever. You guys have to look it up and watch it. hahha.
We had a pretty normal week. I am starting to exercise better and eat lots of bananas and milk. Idk why but I keep doing it. lol. This week my and my companion worked upser hard and got seven people to church! another big week for us...we are killing it. hopefully it turns into some baptisms.
I hope you guys have a great week. I don´t have much time to write today but i know that we will begin to see miracles here in my area. we already are fidning some amazing people. I felt the spirit so strong this week and the words of the apostles confirmed my testimony of this church. Thanks mom and dad for always rasing me right...so that when I watch general confrence I can think..."yeah...my parents already do that". hahaha. Love you,
Elder Valle

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