Sunday, September 25, 2011


so, my week was hot and tiring. but i like it like that sometimes, so it´s really not a big deal (: haha.

this week was crazy. we have a lot of big goals as a companionship, as a zone and as a mission for the month of september. and so needless to say we had our hands full. i love to work, but sometimes i get so worried about my investigadores that i can´t stop thinking about how tto help them and how to help them with their testimony. last night, apparently i was sleep talking in spanish of course about helping a lady we are teaching about the importance of going to church. we have so many goals to reach before september ends, so we will see how even more busy it will get. haha. nuts.
this week we had the baptism of aldana. we found her and her family while knocking doors in a pretty crazy villa. we taught about the sacrament and they never really seemed like gold, but they came to church and aldana even made it to alma 36 before her baptism. she goes to seminary and is stronger than some of the joevenes that have been members for a while. hahaha. it was a good baptism and the ward really helped us out. we are trying to gain the confidence of our bishop. this is the second time that i have had to do it, so it was easier this time. haha. we are doing good and working super hard (: we have a lot of people to work with thsi week and we are having a way hard time finding baptismal clothes for everyone...that part is tough. i love it though.
i worked with the asistants this week because they are traveling and working with every companionship for like two days. it was wicked fun and we got a lot done with four missionaries in our area (:
so i know this might sound greedy and way pre mature. but i figured out what i want for christmas if its possible. i know in the states they sell ctr rings in different, black, pruple, some have flowers and some have soccer balls and stuff. mom, i don´t know how complicated or expensive it would be to just send me a bunch of those rings in cool shapes and sizes and a mixed bunch of them idk. like thirty or twenty. converts LOVE them. it´s crazy sweet for them...and it doesn´t matter that it´s in english they love it . also...josh groban...i heard a song of his from the ipod of another missionary and i just looved it. if you could make copies of allll the groban cds you could get a hold of, i would love you guys forver. miss you guys!
elder valle

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