Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jay's letter 7/25/11

Family and Friends

Oh my, this week has been a good/better week and I have had lot´s of good things learned. From experience, scriptures, prayer. I love how God knows how we feel and what we are in, and he knows how to help us. It has been a great week, in that sense (:

Nothing crazy happened this week, but some stuff did happen, and so I hope you enjoy!

-there is a family we are reactivating that is really sweet, and they really have the desire to do the right thing. the hermana subiere (last name) is the strongest one and makes her sons go to church so that they can all go to the temple this december. i have loved helping re activate them and help them get more blessings! it was especially rewarding this sunday, when hermana subiere was assigned to give a talk in sacrament meeting (big deal for less active people). she killed it! she did such a good job and i was crazy proud of her. she told me how nervous she was and how much better she could have done, but she looked like a way strong member. these are the best moments in the mission. she is funny though...she still refuses to wear a skirt to chruch. at least she find the nicest slacks she can. hahaha. good lady. always makes us malta.

-well i have run up with a terrible cough this week, but i found some way sweet cough drops that are actually hardened squares of honey. hard to explain, but they are amazing. might bring some home from argentina. but don´t worry, i don´t feel sick at all, just a nasty cough from san juan weather.

-there is an ice cream place here, way good, called GRIDO. about a week ago i went in their to buy ice cream for one of the new elders in my district. that was a week ago, the other day elder burns called me and he went over there the other day to buy ice cream. the guy working there asked him if he had a "church friend" that had two colored eyes. he laughed and said yes, and th guy told burns he was too shy to say anything to me but thought it was super cool. hahahaha. another thing on the mission, is, i´m getting tired about people talking about my eyes. i am pretty sure my companions have tired of hearing it too. but, i won´t complain too much...sometimes it helps us get in doors or make people laugh. que se yo.

-i´m still loving the missionary work and we are still working with ana and her daughter. great people, but they don´t understand many things....i am thinking with time that we will be able to see miracles with them. the work here is slow, but i know that god will bless us and that sometimes he tries us til our last drop of faith (:

-looks like my brother is getting taken away! that happened fast! wow (: but i´m proud of him. i still hasn´t told me if i´m his best man or not....we will see. hahaha. man....and then when he gets married, i guess i´m next in line....scary thought! not ready! still a missionary. haha, oh well. hope you guys have a great week! i´m super hungry today...thinking i might make a chicken sandwich or SALSA. MMMMM. see how it goes.

-oh and yes mom, we have a hand blender. (:

love you guys,

elder valle

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