Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jay's Letter 7-18-11

with Elder Menoncal

Hey guys,
Well, to be hoenst, not too many exciting things happened this week in Argentina. I am going to attempt to write my best here to make things exciting and fun to read (:
Can´t believe Ana turned 14. Holy freak, I was just talking to Erin about our grown up family. Haha, and Ana is going to stake dances. Tell her to write me if she ever gets asked to dance. Hahahaha, just kidding. So mean. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ana and Erin. Sorry i could not send you guys anything way sweet.
It´s getting pretty weird weather wise down here. We wake up freezing cold and I just want to put on two sweaters and thick socks and sit next to a heater. Then, as the sun comes out, I feel like I could easily pull off a short sleeve shirt and do the missionary work like that. So, needless to say, mother nature is bi-polar down here in San Juan. The best way to do things is to go out with a short sleeve shirt with a sweater over it (: That´s the best way I have found to keep up with the weather here.
Hahaha, so thanks for the package. Everything was great and I had a fun time looking at the graduation announcments. Made me laugh looking at Lexi´s. It was so her. It also reminded of working at copies plus, and making grad announcments for Jose. Remember that? Those looked sooo good. We did a great job (: Anyways, thanks for that. Way fun stuff to read and look at. The garments fit like a charm.
I remember Mom always trying to get us to drink powdered milk, and we never did. I don´t know why, because now in the mission it´s like the best thing ever! I don´t know if it´s super cheap out the states, but down here it´s a pretty good deal and mixed with cereal it does pretty good. I think I will try to convert my self to powdered milk when I get back.
Well, we had lunch with the Bishop yesterday, and the Bishops wife made a waaaayyy good soup thing. The coolest thing is that she used hardly any meat, but it was so delicious. Reminded me of Mom´s cooking. Mmmm. Anyways, they were talking about how their son, Marcos ws misbehaving. How the more he mis behaved the less things he could have. He is coming up on his sixth birthday and they told him that if he was misbehaving in church they would take away his brithday party. He supposivley didn´t do to good and they are not letting him have his birthday party, but will make a cake. Okay, so why would I be telling you this story? It made me think alot about our Heavenly Father and us, here on earth. The parents, obviously hurt that they couldn´t give his son the birthday party, if anything, they really wanted to. But, they knew that he would learn/recieve something better, by taking away the party and that it would serve him in the long run. Sometimes, when we don´t repent or disobey, Heavenly Father takes away blessing. In reality, he wants those blessing (or "birthday parties") for us sooo bad, but he knows better and won´t because he knows that we will learn something from it. Interesting thought I had yesterday while eating with the Familia Alvarez. Good family.
Me and my comp, we saw a robbery the other day. We were on the bus coming back from Centro, and when the bus stopped I just heard all these screams and saw a kid out the windows of the bus running full speed with a purse. It was so surreal, it was like I had been caught in a movie and didn´t know what they heck to do. Couldn´t really do much.
We found some sweet people this week, but we are working on other things first so we can get along with the work (: Thanks for all your prayers and everything. I love you all. Happy Brithday Ana and Erin! You guys are way old (: hahaha.
Love,Elder Valle

with Zone Leader, Elder Burns

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