Thursday, August 4, 2011


hey! i had zone conference yesterday and so my pday is today! sorry if you all freaked out about that.

holy schmoly...looks like my brother is totally getting married! im so excited for him and especially miranda. i have lived in the same room with dallan for a lot of my life...and so, miranda could use a lot of advice from the professional himself (me). it´s going to be a crazy ride, but i think miranda is going to be such a fun addition to family get togethers. haha, oh man, way excited. saw a picture of them kissing....that was weird. but thats just because we are brothers. great news! sounds like everyone is having fun, and i also recieved pictures of erin´s super cute family. wow! talk about good photography and cute ideas! totally worth it. i´m going to see what i can do to try and print out copies to show to the people and missionaries here so i can brag about penny.

to say its been cold down here is an understatment. i guess central heating really makes a big difference in things out here. my blankets were cold when i woke up and my socks´s a little snowy but all has melted. no one does too much when it gets cold around here so we only had 6 people at church this week. waaay low. it was sad, but it was good because we now realize what we need to mejorar over here in albardon. i have some pictures of my bundled up self for you guys.
i made a waay good salsa this week! mom you would be so proud (: the other elders liked it and said it was yummy. it has been a while, but i don´t think any of the members like spicy stuff at, it doesn´t hit off to well with the argentines. haha, oh well.

we had a waaay sweet zone conference. we had a nice lunch which gave every elder horrible gas...oh man. the bathrooms were destroyed! and presidente avila gave a way sweet talk. i love that guy. i played the musical number and it seemed like the people liked it. it took up the whole day from 9:30 til 8:15....nuts. but it was way fun to see other elders and just have a good time (: thats what we did yesterday.
i came to a realization today...that camp rainbow gold has begun. so...i have my relay for life surivivor shirt and my CRG sweater on every day when i go to bed, including this week and who knows, maybe i will sing the "camp prayer" before my meals this week. trunky moment...haha. but it´s all good! way funny...but, i do miss my cancer camp. its kinda weird having to explain to elders why my sweater says camp "rainbow gold". not the coolest name, but whatev. no one in argentina understands (:
i heard some rumors in the mission about a temple being planned out for Paris, France...Dad, you should get on Google and investagte to see if thats true! Would be super sweet.
We are still making it through here in the mission and getting used to Presidente Avila. He likes us to have our investigadores listo, but he also likes lots of the work is tough! Salt Lake has asked us to increase our baptisms by three years thats like...100%. WOW. Nuts, but I believe it can happen. and thats what Pres. Avila that we have to believe it will happen instead of work hard and see what happens. Its way true too.
Miss you guys and hope you are having fun in Nampa!
Elder Valle.

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