Tuesday, August 23, 2011



2 day stay was super fun with the zonies. one of those days was p day and the other one was working like normal...just a fun two days (: pretty normal

I am still District Leader. hahaha, it´s ok. don´t worry about it (: the elders in my district are a little lazy...but thats ok...haha (:

Allright. maybe a long letter today...we will see (: my comp is already done writing the family (like...5 minutes) and i don´t want to make him wait forever soo...i will try to go fast. So i said goodbye to elder williams (good moment) but it was excited to see who would be my next companion. When they called, they told me that i had to be in the offices at 10 in the morning on Wednesday because I was going to train! Hooray! I was super super excited to get an Elder who was fresh on the mission and (hopefully) had the ganas to work. So i went down to Mendoza on a bus for a couple hours and with a bunch of elders we talked until our ¨sons¨arrived. It was sooo fun talking with other elders who have been comps with Elder Williams. I didn´t feel like I was the only one...but there were elders who were comps with im too, and well...we didn´t say bad things...but we definitly related better. hahaha (: It was a good feeling (: we finally got our hijos and as they announced them, i was not nervous but just anxious to see which elder i would. then they said Elder Valle will train...Elder Robles! (¿Latino?) We were all a little surprised that a gringo got put with a latin and there is also another companionship where there is a latin training a gringo...so...I was super excited, but a little surprised at the same time...as was everyone else. I was really looking foraward to being like..."Elder this is called an Alfajor...they are way good! Like a mini cake almost"...but...being from Chile, he eats alfajores every day of his life. Sooo...that sucks a little bit of fun out of the training...but its ok (: he and his brother are the only members of his familty. he got baptized when he had 11 years and his parents still need to get baptized. strong spirit, and has a lot of ganas to work (: that was way excited. he is just a big clump of clay right now, and i have to mold him into a good elder. hahahaha. we started woroking ont hrusday and we got a lot done. we are being super obedient and working good and finding way good people here in Albardon. I had to play a trick on him of course. he is new. hahaha. there were two members walking on the street this week...and i told my comp to do a street contact with them and he was too nervous. haha, so i told him that i would do it for him. so i went up and presented my self and my comp as missionaries and asked them ¨i´m sure you have heard of the mormones before...what have you heard about them?¨ the hermana started saying that they were a cult and that they do weird things in their churches and that they have lots of wives. then her daughter was like...ÿeah, i heard the pray to joseph smith and use a different bible¨ ( they were so perfect for the job) i looked at my comp and he started to explain profetas and how we need them. and after about a minute my comp started to bear his testimony and right when he started doing that, i had to stop him and tell him they were members. oh, they laughed so hard (: totally unplanned but it was gold!!! (: it wasway funny (:we are working super hard. please pray for melina and her dad and paula montaña. they need lots of prayers (: thanks for everything. miss you guys!
elder valle

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