Thursday, September 1, 2011


oh wow (: it has been quite the week. we are working way way hard and i get to the pench way tired, but my comp told me that that´s when we feel the happiest and it´s true (: so anyways, things are going good. we have a lot of good people that we can baptize but they all have their little htings that keep them from getting baptized. we have a lot of young kids who want to and can´t because their dad wont give them permission. ah! it´s killing us,but we are praying a lot so that they can progress and be baptized, if not now, in the future. me and my chilean son are having lots of fun. he talks WAY too fast and simple frases like...what are you going to eat for breakfast, i can ´t understand because he talks like a machine. haha, its a little funny, but i think he forgets that all the gringos are learning a second language. i took a lot of photos this week. today for p day we went to a catholic church (irony) and took an elevator to the top of one of the towers and took pictures. nothing like the empire state building obviously, but it was still pretty fun.
there was also a holidy here in san juan called chocolataza...which is like a festival or chocolate and all was free. so obviously, the town went to the plaza to get their free chocolate and we were left sunday evening without anyone to visit. it was tough. then we found this one guy who wanted to talk about joseph smith, so we watched the video the restoration, and he wanted to see it really bad but he couldnt change the language because his remote was broken. so we watched in english (hace mucho que veo eso en ingles) and i had to tell him what was going on. i would like to say that it went great but, it was weird during the first vision trying to speak over the television. anyways, it was a good lesson. i felt the spirit even though it was in english...hahaha. we also started teaching a family with a bunch of kids who say they read the book of mormon and they said it was true! whoo! but they have an uncle who is the pastor of the church "espiritu santo" and they have to go to that church because its family first. ugh...tried to explain that family first means being an eternal family and so you have to go where you know is right...but they still don´t get it. we also found a way sweet investigator named marcos who is looking for the right church. he thew us some super tought questions about the bible and the book of mormon and how they contradict and stuff...but he was nice about it. and the same morning me and my comp had had a big study about how the bible and book of mormon support eachother from capitulo 5 of preach my gospel. it was sweet, feeling prepared for the charlas that we had.
we are all working super hard and have fun doing it. i have never been so hungry and tired in the mission, but it´s all worth it (: this week i get to go to mendoza for leadership training. should be fun! hope you recieve and enjoy the photos i am sending (: love you all (:
elder valle

1 comment:

  1. Jay, you're such a great letter writer-I can almost imagine being there!! I wish I was there for the Choclate festival!
    Thanks for working so hard!
    Love Aunt Danae
