Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey Guys!

It´s true when you say this week has been a long one. I have been counting days and hours, but I knew I could do it. Out of all my transfers with companions, I can honestly say I have learned more about myself and about life in those three months than I have learned in any other time in my mission. As surprising as it may seem, I guess I even had a hard time saying goodbye. We laughed our heads off together and even have yelled at eachother but all in all, we made it, and I learned unvaluable lessons with him. We got up at 3:00 this morning so he could get back to Mendoza on time, and now I am hanging out with my Zone Leaders from P day and for tomorrow. We still don´t know who will be my companion, but I am sure staying in my area, which I am totally cool with (: Way excited to show the members what I am like with another animated missionary.

Birthday was pretty...missionary like (go figure). We did missionary work and my comp was still packing and getting stuff ready so it wasn´t anything crazy. As you know, I just hate the birthday like attention, so I didn´t tell anyone. I figured the best way to celebrate was to wait for your packages and buy myself icecream the same day I get them, so I am still waiting to get them. However, my way way sick Bishop, Bishop Alvarez did send me a text message to wish my Happy Birthday. That was enough Birthday attention for one day. Then, on Sunday, days after my birthday, we had lunch at the Bishops house and before we left, the bishops wife (waaaay awesome strong mormon down here) pulled out a cake from her freezer that she made from scratch for my birthday and their family sang me happy english! It was so nice. They only had two little kids...but It was nice and she let me put candles on it and enjoy it. I love strong members (: Pray that the Alvarez family gets lots of blessings. They deserve them. hahaha.

Oh man...I was reading Hebrews 12 this week. SICK chapter (: Read it when you have time. D&C 6 was another hot chapter this week in my personal study. Hit it up.

I did some way sweet divisions this week and did a ton of Baptismal Interviews, where I met some cool People. First of all, Ester de Valle (first Valle that I have met in the mission) and I also did an interview for Selena Gomez. Ha! Go crazy. The people over in that area baptized six people this weekend! Sweet right? And so with all the interviews to do, I have never felt so trusted in the eyes of God. I guess doing regular missionary work is one thing, but I was depending so heavily on the Spirit that day, that I had to make sure I was focused and on top of my "spiritual game". Good day (: I enjoyed it.

San Jaun is starting to heat up! I actually started sporting my short sleeves this week and maybe even might turn on a fan during the siesta. We will have to see right? Anyways, I am sleeping with less blankets and more windows open. Winter just went by way fast here. Glad I had my warm clothing (:

I would have to say that my favorite experience this week was during exercise time on Saturday. E´ Williams loves to run, and I do to a little, but not as much as this guy. We run about a 5K in the mornings, and after that I am dead. Of course he goes way faster and he is skinnier and all that stuff...haha, but after doing the 5K he came to my side and said that he wanted to do it the whole route...again. (I was beat. So dead.) I told him how dead I felt and that it was time to go...he said "I know you got this can do this. One last run". I gave in to the peer pressure and maybe more than anything because it was his last exercise day, I decided to do it. We started going around the second time and this time, he remained by my side, instead of trying to run off 100 meters in front of me like normally...I felt supported this second time, and even though my legs hurt quite a bit, I was doing it and I was going to finish the 10 k. I felt like sometimes, this is how Heavenly Father acts with his children. He gives us a trial, and squeezes us to our last drop of faith. Not for fun, but because he knows we can do it and that it will be for our benifit. Sometimes we think that all we can do is a 5K, but if we take seriously the confidence he has in us, he shows us our potential and helps us along the way. It was a great lesson I learned, and I was feeling the spirit as I ran through San Juan and thought about how similiar that situation was.

hope you all have a great week! thanks for the letters. sounds like dallan is just getting ready for the big haloween part...i mean, wedding. HAHAHA. big joke. Ana...if you are not doing band, you better find some club, and be way good at it. Like debate. That makes high school the best. Whatever you choose to do, focus on it and be the best and win state and yeah. You get the point. It´s sad, but I don´t blame you. Flute players are weird sometimes(no offense to erin or miranda). Love you guys!

Elder Valle

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