Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jay's Letter 6-6-11

Man! This is so weird seeing Dallan home. I really am just going to pretend that he is still serving just because it feels weird that he is home. it sounds like a great time you guys had exploring the yellowstones. i don´t even no where that is....montana? that´s cool. man, this ward is way huge and like, nobody comes to church. it´s way annoying. this week we have worked with just a ton of people trying to get them to church so we can get more priesthood holders in the capilla every sunday. it´s a fun work, but i also want to baptize. my and my comp have a hard time getting a long 24/7 but i am learning the importance of talking about things and learning about patience and stuff like that.

we have this crazy dog we named rufus that stands in front of our aprtment door and doesnt let us he wont move. and so we threw rocks at it to get it away and then we realized that if we opened the door it would probably go in. way it peed on our door to get mad at us and then ran away. i am going to try to take a photo of rufus for you guys.

i had a family tell me while i was in lunch....they said..."you know are too correct" and i was like..." what the heck does that mean?" and they said that i act really good and am just way nice, but sometimes it can be too much...and i was way confused. so i will have to ask them the next time i am there.

man, how´s dallan? is it way weird to see him home? i bet he doesnt know what to do with himself.

well, its getting way cold up here in San Juan. time i went out with just a long sleeve shirt and the hermanas from the ward gave me like a ten minute talk about how i was going to die if i didn´t wear a sweater and how that is being really prideful thinking i don´t need a sweater. it was way weird but me and my comp got a good laugh out of it.
we are teaching this girl named emilse. she is like a perfect little angel girl....(don´t worry she is only nine years old). but she learns fast and is way perfect. we are kinda hoping to baptize her soon. my area hasn´t baptized too much...soo, i am hoping to change that. my comp is "burning". he really can´t wait to get home, and it´s really hard on me because i feel so strongly to work and talk with everyone and he just looks forward to lunch all day. it´s a little hard but i pray. i don´t want to make it sound like i am better than him or anything, because i am not.

today i complete 8 months. crazy right? I hope you all have an awesome week! just cause dallans home doesnt give you an excuse to not have family home evening!!! be a strong family in the gospel!!
love you all,

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