Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dallan's Last Letter 5-23-11

I`m not going to write a lot this week. Sorry but I`m going to send the letter I sent my President and my mom or dad will translate it for you. I cant believe this is the last letter I^m sending home but it is. It`s going to be a fun week. I^m going on divisions with the president this week and if all goes right, and I mean all goes right, I`ll be going to a sealing of Carlos and Aleida this week. I baptized a year and a half ago. Pray that it will happen because nothing will make me happier. I love you all. I`ll SEE you all next week.

Love Elder DallanValle

Hola Presidente,

No creo que tenga mucho que decirle más que gracias por todo de lo que me ha enseñado. Doy gracias a Dios por todo lo que he aprendido en mi misión. Amo mi misión con todo mi corazón. No me arrepiento por nada de lo que he hecho porque sé que lo he hecho bien. Sé que lo hice como el Señor quería que lo hiciera y para mí no hay nada que me da más gozo que eso. Sé que Dios vive y también Su hijo Jesucristo, me he dado cuenta que real es lo que yo hago. He disfrutado tanto sirviendo el Señor, es un privilegio servirle y claro que sí Presidente que entregaré todo a Él como me lo pidió. Lo haré para siempre. Gracias por todo. Nos vemos pronto

Con amor,
Elder Valle

Hello President,
I don't think I have much to tell you other than thank you for all that you have taught me. I thank God for all that I have learned on my mission. I love my mission with all my heart. I don't regret anything I've done here because I know that I have done good. I know that I've done it the way the Lord wanted me to do it and for me there is nothing that gives me more joy than that. I know that God lives and also His son, Jesus Christ and I've realized that what I have done is real. I have enjoyed serving the Lord so much, it is a priveledge to serve Him and of course, President, I will give to Him all that he has asked of me. I will do it forever. Thank you for everything. I'll see you soon.

With Love,
Elder Valle

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