Monday, June 27, 2011

Jay's letter 6-20-11

Family and Friends,

This week was just a little crazy up here in Saint Johns! It´s getting super cold and I had to wip out the Thermal G´s to keep my self from freezing over. In the morning it´s pretty cold and at like one until five, it´s gets pretty warm and then from six on, it gets way cold again. So, It´s been fun to turn on the heaters and wear socks to bed once again. In the mission they make these things called bolsitas de arroz. Some ladies made the cloth bags full of rice. like mini pillows. And, when you microwave them they get way hot and them you put them near your feet or your head or whereever when you go to sleep. So I have using the rice bags quite a bit. I was thinking how funny it would be to make a fake rice bag, and actually fill it up with pop corn kernels, so that the next missionary just has this exploding bag of "rice". Hahaha, not going to do it, but it was way funny in my head.

We had interviews with the President and training by the Hermana this week. Man, so guys have seen the blindside right? Sandra Bullock does a great job and all....but, I think Hermana Lindahl would have done even better. She is exactly like that lady in real life, except with the gospel. She trained us on keeping our apartments clean and that Gods greatest gift is health.Hahaha. Everytime we get with the Hermana, we have a quiz. It´quizzes you on mission rules and cleanliness and just whatever she wants to quiz you on. If you get it right, she makes you a brownie. So, we all took the last quiz by Hermana Lindahl this week. It was way easy and the brownie was way way good. Also, me and my comp won.....BOOM! Cleanest Apartment Award! (second time, thank you). We got some way good expensive chocolate from Mendoza and bragging rights. Way sweet right? Needless to say sometimes we do get intimidated by the Hermana, but she definitly puts those lazy missionaries in to shape. Good Work.
My interview with Presidente was WAAAY sweet. He talked half the time about my style and my tie and how like, to go into job interviews that i should never try to look to good and told me never to bleach my teeth. He said..."your shirt was probably twenty bucks...and mine was 175 bucks, but can you tell the difference? no." hahahaha, and told me about how i need to let my personality shine more than my shoes and it was waay good. And after him telling me how much he makes, i think that´s the richest man I might ever know personally. TONS of money, and he told me..."some millionaires celebrate by spending half a million and putting the other half in the bank. but when i get a million, like when i sell a hopsital, i put it ALL in the bank and maybe buy like a 3000 dollar watch. that´s what you have to do elder valle. you make a lot of money and you forget about it and keep working. but buy something small to celebrate so that you have an incentive to keep working".

The Malla family is doing way better about the death of the son. The dad of the son who is anti missionaries and like anti church, came to church this week and it was a huge surprise to erveryone. i think he saaw the support that came from the ward and just really felt love and the spirit in such a hard time. we will see what we can do with him.

we were working way hard with the familia martines (yes, with s). they are a family of 4 girls who want to get baptized and love the book of mormon. they were GOLD. we went to the house sunday morning to pick them up in a remis (which is like a taxi, but waay crapy and old) and they wouldnt come because their father was going to come pick them up. oh man, it was SUCH a downer. it totally killed my week and i was soo down on sunday, because they would have been baptized this week and was just tough. so, that was the bad news i guess i was just way excited for this weekend.

so Ana, i got your letters. oh man...they are JUICY! It was way fun to read and thanks for revealing that HOT information. Hahaha. Man, like...when did you start having amazing hand writing. you are just getting way teenager ish it seems. I read the letters and had to double check they were from you because it´s grown up how you speak and write. keep it up!

so this week, we were just walking to a members home, to give them blessing, and then all the sudden we see this white family there. turns out they were visiting argetina with their son, who served there a while back. and ever crazier is that they were from BOISE! We were out in the middle of no where, seriously and way far away and we found this boise family who is building a house in Kuna and the kids are going to Boise State. So, it was a little weird, but waaay fun. and mom and dad, like, just so you know, i would have no problem if you came down to pick me up. i saw how fun it was for his parents who didn´t even speak spanish and how fun it would be for you guys and me. so anwyays, if you happen to win the lottery and want to come pick me up and if the new president is ok with it, you totally should. i would love it!

this week me and elder burns did divisions in my area to go teach the martinez family. there was a girl there was a little crazy and told us that she was catholic and she was already baptized. we explained a lot of things and then we finally looked at her and told us..."actually, yeah, i think i would like the get baptized too!" hahahaha, way crazy right? but she still, le falta algunas enseñanzas. anyways, it was a fun division with another fellow nampa friend. we surprisingly didn´t talk to much about home, more about the investigadors. way fun though! we also talked about all the people that never went on missions...crazy.

well, i hope you all have a way fun week and all working way hard in the church! get some way sweet blessing, ok? ok.
love you guys,
Elder Valle

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