Monday, June 27, 2011

Jay's letter 6-27-11

Hey Guys!
I feel quite flattered that you compare me to the big JB. What an honor, considering is is the newest teen sensation right? hahahaha. I can´t wait to watch this Justin Bieber movie, sounds like quite the thriller.

Wow, you guys had a cool week, and that totally stinks that the Idaho Temple is closing...ugh. Oh, another thing I need to clarify...I called the Mission nurse and I am officialy diagnosed deaf in my right ear. Crazy right? Oh well.
This week is the last week of Pres. Lindahl! Oh missionaries, don´t even know what to think. What we are going to do with ourselves, we don´t know. He is just such a boss and getting used to a new President might be tough. We will see I guess. This week was pretty exciting! We did service in this town called Angaco. Way out in the middle of no where. We helped a member build her roof out of bamboo canes. It´s actually way way easy and way sturdy! Don´t know why we don´t do it in the states. Then we went over to her mini farm thing and milked a goat. The udders were way weird feeling and I was a little scared at first but then I got the hang of it. Not to mention, it ws rather warm when it came out of the body, so that was kinda cool. I drank it after I milked it and it was a little sour, but I think with some sugar it would have been super super good...and maybe more healthy than cow milk...who knows?

I had a fun adventure in the collective this week. The collectivo is the public bus. As I was going down to get off of the bus I jumped off too soon and I thought the bus would have stopped by then or something, but the doors opened and I thought that meant it was done moving or something but, I jumped off the bus with the collectivo still going pretty brisk pace, and biffed it on my but. My pants got little rips (nothing big at all) and I had gravel going into my pants. Way weird. it didn´t hurt to bad but my companion was laughing waaay hard.

We had this terribly nasty lunch this week where she made yellow rice and then cooked in like all of the parts of the chicken that no one eats. The lungs, the neck, the galbladder, the weirdest parts of the chicken. Anyways, that was a tough lunch, but I made it through.

This week I went on divisions with people in my district, where I was in the same apartment as Elder Burns. We talked about Nampa and life and just all about Idaho. It was way fun...forgot to take a picture. Sorry. hahaha.

It is getting WAAY cold up here in San Juan. I had to pull out my big huge black winter coat, hop into my thermals and throw on a cute plaid scarf. Me and my comp have a way cold apartment, and so we fill up old coke bottle with boiled water and sleep with it and that gives us some good heat. and we do the hot rice bag thing. Hahaha.

Everyone in my ward calls me elder "valley" because they think my last name is from the states, and so they try to pronounce it as if it wasn´t a latin last name. Pretty funny, but I don´t correct them. Makes me feel at home I guess. hahaha.

Well I gave a way sweet talk about Matrimonio in church last week. Awkward but everyone loved it. I talked about how marriage will be hard, but the blessing are uncountable, so just stick with it. Haha.

We had the baptism of Emlise this week. Everything was falling out of place at the last minute but we pulled it off, and better yet...i think our zone won the cup!!! I will find out next week. If we did, I get a DL trophy....way way excited!

Hope you all have a great week! I love you guys and miss you. Enjoy the heat!
Love, Elder Valle

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