Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jay's Letter- 7/4/11

Well, needless to say, crazy stuff has happened and is happening here in San Juan. Transfers is today and we found out that me and Elder Williams are staying together in the same area. We were both shocked because President Lindahl promised to move us...I guess, we really need a change. To be honest, me and my comp talked and we really don´t see how things are going to work out with us and six more weeks. We have respected each other for the last transfer, but being together for the next six weeks could cause some, we will see if we actually stay together. Pray for me and for him, so that if we do, we can get things done. I don´t want to write anything bad or mean, because we both struggle in different areas, and so we are hoping God can help us in his work.

Talking about crazy stuff...right now is the Copa De America! Everyone in South America and Mexico (and Japan got invited) are playing in this huge cup...and guess´s in Argentina!!! Crazy! So, what happens is all the teams play but the play on soccer fields that are all throughout Argentina. It started on Saturday with Argentina and Bolivia and Messi didn´t do a good job apparently. Hahaha, and that took place in Mar de Plata in Buenos Aires. The second game is Chile vs. Mexico...and you won´t believe where it takes place! San Juan! I know right? We are not going down today because we have lots of stuff to do, but the other elders called us and told us that there were just a ton of Chileans and Mexicans in Centro today and that everyone was going crazy. I guess we will see who wins, but it´s like a mini world cup and it´s actually way fun having it around. And people don´t lie when they say that Argentina goes crazy when they are playing. Like...don´t you dare knock a door, because who knows when Messi is going to make a goal right? I wish the states were playing. That´s ok (:

Me and my comp did some research via members and figured out that Messi is a little bit taller than I am. We were hoping super bad that I would be the same heights...but, that´s ok. He has a couple inches on top of me, but whatever.
We realized that in every part of the world, there are different callings that Bishops can give. For example...In Idaho, Orchard Organizer and Girl Camp Organizer, while in the Philipines...there is probably the bamboo safety leader and mens spear hunting ward specializer. We realized that while us in the states share gardens that in Argentina people share Animals. For example, in our ward a while ago, they got everyone chickens so that people could be self sufficient. They had the choice to kill it and make food or let it make eggs. Then they designated one of the ward members to have the male chicken or rooster or whatever and he would go around getting the hens pregnant so that they could make eggs or something. We realized that this is how the sacrament meeting would go...
"It is proposed that we sustain Hermano. Juan Flores as the Ward Poultry Fertility Specialist...all in favor. Any oppose?" And then the ward would have something to talk about before church starts. Just a thought.
OH man....President Lindahl is gone. WEIRD. I didn´t even know what to do with myself. President Avila is now in place and it´s weird having a President you don´t know. So we don´t really know what to expect or when we will meet him, because we live rather far from the offices. If anything crazy changes I will let you know.
So now that the Boise, ID Temple is closed...Dallan, can´t get married any time soon right? Thought so. Perfect (:
Sorry I don´t have anything way sick to talk about today, I guess I am just pretty weirded out about transfers and stuff. I hope you are all doign well in the 28606 (that´s still our zip code right?) Have a great week.

Elder Valle
p.s. having dreams where we eat mexican food. oh, it´s just so lovely.

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