Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jay's Letter 5-23-11

Wow. I might be leaving Municipal soon, and I am hating the idea because I love this area so much. We really started from nothing, beginning with a bad relationship with the bishop and no baptisms and it has really been a huge growing place for me. I remember at the beginning that i couldn´t understand everyone and now, it´s not a problem. I remember finding all my converts at the doorstep and having to leave a lot of people who didn´t want to progress. I never liked being the seed planter, but everyones got to do it one time or another right?
Well this week we had the baptism of two really cool boys named Leonel and Francisco Stember. Leo is 14 and Fran is 19. Their family is really humble. About a year ago they won the lottery (100,000 pesos) and the whole neighborhood knows. They didn´t buy anything silly and invested in a buisness and made their sons work in a internet cafe that they bought. Smart people, but really receptive. They were really fun to teach and hard to get animated at first, but we did it!

Also, we baptized Fredi Cabrera. I am pretty sure I already explained his situation before, but needless to say, after 11 years of missionaries passing by, he did it. He did it on his own. I would be lying if I said that me and elder rios got him to be baptized. Something I am learning is that these people are not my converts, but that they are their own converts. I just presented the truth, and on their own, they prayed and felt the spirit. I am having too much fun atlking to people and trying to get into houses. But, I really feel like I had fun this week and me and elder rios have done so much together. We dont get a long like best friends, but we did everything possible to make it work. fun stuff. Well, I have a ton of photos to send, so just wait and that will be better than the letter (: dallan gets home soooo soon!!!! ag. Beck leaves today. YOu really really should go to his homecoming talk. Ask his mom when it is. I love you guys!
Elder Valle

just found out! I am going to Chimbas in San Juan to be a district leader.

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