Monday, May 16, 2011

Dallan's Letter 5-16-11

Hey everyone,

Can you believe it! This is the second to last letter that I`m going to write you guys…. I feel so weird right now. I never really thought that I`d get to this point. Can`t really explain how I feel. Nervous, excited, sad, happy, scared… hahaha but truth be told I know that I have served well my mission. I know that I have done all that I could and that I can still do so much in the 2 weeks that I have left.

This week we had interviews with the President and by far this was the best interview that I`ve had with him. Because I`m the Zone leader I`m always always last and I don`t get much time to talk with him because he has such a tight schedule but this time I loved it and got to talk to him a little bit longer than normal. This week is going to be fun. That`s all I`m going to say =) my last letter to you guys should be the bomb. But you`ll have to wait a week to see what`s going to happen.

Me and my companion are getting along better but I`m not going to lie the heat is killer right now. It`s gotten up to like 110 or 115 degrees here… I drink like a gallon of water a day, but it doesn`t keep us from doing the work. This truly is one of the hardest areas I´ve had and I´ve needed to have a lot of patience. It`s weird how different people are when they`re only from a different state, but all of them are children of God and they all deserve the same right to hear the Gospel.

This week we had a ward activity and we brought all the missionaries to our ward and had a choir in the sacrament meeting, stressful to put all together but worth it. It helped us out a lot in our ward as well in the Zone. This week it looks like we`ll break the Zone record here so we are very excited for what´s to come.

Well I`ll see you all soon. I know that the Lord lives. That He loves me. And knowing that has made these two years the best years of my life. I love you all.

Elder Dallan J Valle

1 comment:

  1. Another wonderful letter Dallan. Two weeks left - wow. I know your family is super excited to have you home. The summer and fall will go fast...and before you know it you'll be on your way to a new path and career. Love you lots. See you in about a month. Love, Grandma Line
