Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jay's letter 4-4-11

It was a good week this week. I think the good week came from many small good parts of the week. I thouroughly (sp) enjoyed the General Conference. I guess, one could say that Christmas and Thanksgiving make you want to go home, but not for me. For me, I kinda missed sitting in the family room taking notes and eating easter candy and trying to get the lawn mowed in between the saturday sessions. I did miss my family, but I am more excited now to apply the words we heard as a missionary. Favorite Talks? Yes. the one talk about the to do and to be. hahaha. i would have hated to translate that! imagine trying to translate and say, hacer, and a ser. they sounds exactly the same and they guy said it a million times. hahaha, but nonetheless, great talk. dallin h. oaks, gave a BOMB talk about desires. he said some really cool things that made me think and made me want to be a better person. there was a lot of energy from his talk about i can´t wait to read his talk in the ensign (hopefully in english).

i love what eyering said about spiritually preparing for service projects and how gratifying that could be. and then, i thought about it, and i realized that thats exactly what the mission is. before, we try to prepare spirtually to give two years of service, and he is right, it´s amazing how gratifying this work is. i am tired every night, but it feels good.

Meridian, Idaho Temple!!! I freaked out. I was so excited! That will be closer and that´s just one more sign of how strong the church is where we live.

Hey Dad, in priesthood session, Eyering was hilarious wasnt he??? At the begining of his talk. oh man. hahaha. Monson talked with such power. No doubt he is a profeta de Dios. Things I learned. Get Married. Have a good Marriage. Repent and be clean. Give service! Donate to the missionary fund. Hahahaha. Welfare and Relief Society and Bishop duties. More about marriage. Oh yeah, D. Todd Christpherson had a cool talk.

I feel better now. I am not sick. Sorry for not telling you guys!

I received your recipes!!! Thanks so much. Anas hand writing is getting a little girly and dads, is a little hard to read.
Elder, does this recipe say 2 cups of flour or 7 cups?!?!?
I don´t know,
Yeah, my Dad wrote it, neither can I.

Thanks so much. Chicken Alfredo to be made soon.
Did you all see Melissa in the choir?! I got a bunch of teasing from the other Elders and it was really fun. Hahaha (: Good to see a familiar face. I miss you guys a little bit! But its all good!

We had a competition this week in mendoza and me and my comp won....again. pray for us (: I didn´t think it was going to be this hard, but it sure is worth it. I feel physically drained and my obedience level has increased so much in the past 6 months. not that i was a criminal killing people, but I just feel the presence of the lord in my life so strongly. I love it. I´m still a little bitter about the conference thing, aggg. I´m glad you guys went (: (:

Have a great week!
Elder Jay Valle

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jay,

    I love reading your letters your mom puts on her blog:) I'm proud of you and the work you are doing. You look handsome in your pictures...oh my goodness:)

    We have had a very long and cold snowy winter here in Ohio. Easter does the warmer weather and flowers and all pretty things. Oh yeah...and the long hours of mowing grass on this place ! But...I love doing that. I just get busy on the zero-turn mower and pretend that it is a canvas ...and start mowing as I please. It drives Bill crazy because he likes to mow all in one direction and be perfect about it. But, hey..there is over 7 acres to one can't be so picky, right?:))

    I "Skype" with Sam & Jake several times a week...and Sam is especially happy Dallan is coming home...and talks a lot about you too. You've both been such a great example to the younger cousins.

    Your mom and I were talking a few months ago and she asked me if I remembered the two missionaries that taught and baptised grandpa Line and me. I said "yes"...their names were Elder Murray & Elder Patterson". So in case I forget that some day (which I am sure I will:) ...perhaps that information will come in handy for some family wanting to trace the beginnings of your mom's side of the family in the church. We were baptised in 1965. Your mom was just a year old. When they dunked me under the baptism waters...I could hear her screaming the whole time! The Bishop said afterwards..."You can sure tell who she loves"!! Actually, I think all babies scream if they think anything is happening to their mommy:) A year later...we drove to the Idaho Falls Temple with your mom and Rob, who was just 3 months old...and were sealed there.

    Keep up the good work and take care of yourself. You are in my prayers every night.

    Love, Grandma Line
