Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dallan's Letter 4-4-11

Hey everyone!!!!

Things going very hot down here. We are for sure over the 100 degree mark and I thought I couldn`t lose any more wait but I do... hahaha. General Conference was great and we`re getting a new temple!!!!!! wahoo!!!! I was so excited to hear that. We were making fun of the Utah boys even though there are like 14 temples in utah but it`s all good. We`re getting a new temple!!!!! I`m so excited and it`s even better that it`s close by.

This week was just a busy week. I swear we have no other time to do anything else but work work work... I love it =) I would`nt have it any other way. We come home drink and good to liters of water and just hit the bed. In the morning we have to drink another liter of wáter because of how much wáter you lose just from sweating while you sleep. It`s kind of ridiculous but we love it.

I loved general conference. Everything about it was awesome. The music the speakers definetly one I`ll never forget. Any one know why Elder hales didn`t talk though? I loved Pres. Uchtdorf`s talk. He`s always been a favorite of mine. Priesthood session as well was so powerful. All the missionaries and the members were giving us a hard time though about all the conference talks on getting married. Man it was brutal, but me and my comp just had to smile and laugh. What can you do? You can`t avoid it =) . They say when a missionary almost is going home all he hears is about marriage. But come on…. There we`re three talks about it this year. I`m pretty sure it wasn`t just me. I loved all the talks though. It was a bitter sweet thing to know it`s my last general conference. I`ve learned so much from everyone on my mission.

This week I got semi bit by a dog…. Haha it was so funny. The Lord protects his missionaries though. The teeth didn`t penétrate my pants and I only got a bruise. I thought it was going to be ok. The dog started barking at us as we walked by and it couldn`t reach us because of the chain. But who would of thunk that the dog would of broke his chain and thus the dog bite. After I checked it to make sure I was ok… another dog tried to bite me… man. My legs were shaking so bad. Mexican dogs aren`t on the list of things I love. Hahaha

What else to tell you but that I`m doing good. Working hard and enjoying my mission to the max. I know God lives and he loves me. That`s enough knowlege to motivate me as hard as I can for the next two months. I love you all and hope you have a great week. Take care

Love Elder Dallan Valle

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dallan,
    I love reading your letters your mom puts on her blog:) I'm proud of you and the work you are doing. Sure glad to know you didn't get hurt too bad by the dog bites-yikes !!

    We have had a very long and cold snowy winter here in Ohio. Easter does the warmer weather and flowers and all pretty things. Oh yeah...and the long hours of mowing grass on this place ! But...I love doing that. I just get busy on the zero-turn mower and pretend that it is a canvas ...and start mowing as I please. It drives Bill crazy because he likes to mow all in one direction and be perfect about it. But, hey..there is over 7 acres to one can't be so picky, right?:))
    I can't believe you will soon be home. The family is so excited. I "Skype" with Sam & Jake several times a week...and Sam is especially happy you are coming home. You've been such a great example to the younger cousins.

    Your mom and I were talking a few months ago and she asked me if I remembered the two missionaries that taught and baptised grandpa Line and me. I said "yes"...their names were Elder Murray & Elder Patterson". So in case I forget that some day (which I am sure I will:) ...perhaps that information will come in handy for some family wanting to trace the beginnings of your mom's side of the family in the church. We were baptised in 1965. You mom was just a year old. When they dunked me under the baptism waters...I could hear her screaming the whole time! The Bishop said afterwards..."You can sure tell who she loves"!! Actually, I think all babies scream if they think anything is happening to their mommy:) A year later...we drove to the Idaho Falls Temple with your mom and Rob, who was just 3 months old...and were sealed there.

    There were two million members and six temples when we joined the church. Oh see such growth! Take care and keep driniking lots of water:) And...come back home safe. Love, Grandma Line
