Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jay's letter 3-28-11

well, this week has some pretty good stories. ok, maybe just one. but here we go (:

hey, so i threw up a lot this week. it was...lovely (: hahaha. no, me and my companion drank something like mate, (which we shouldnt drink) and we didn´t really know, and so when I got back to the apartment, I didn´t feel too good. I took a little water and put my self to sleep hoping that I could just sleep it off. Well, around 12 or so, I woke up, leaped off the bunk bed and stumbled my way in the dark to the toilet to vomit. it was alot and i saw some lovely pieces of the fried chicken we had for lunch earlier that day. i felt way better, took a mint to feel better and went back to bed. (1 hour later) same thing happens all over again...uhm...so yeah and then it happened again, but a ton! so yeah...that night was miserable. I didn´t wake up on time because I felt sick and everyone thought it was just because I just didnt get up. I told them...did you not hear me throwing up last night? It turns out that they had all slept through it. So, interesting night. My comp is okay (: We went and worked the next morning because we had people to visit and souls to save baby!

Well, I would like to thank you for your wonderful prayers to the Flia. Adasme. Here´s the story of the week.
Baptism planned and everything. We had speakers, members coming, a cake cooked (mom, you would be so proud!), soda bought, font filled, white clothes listo, and there we were. We went the night before to ask them how they would get there and make sure everything was ok. I asked them how they would wake up and what time they would leave the house. Everything seemed like a green light and I was excited (: We get the to church early to prepare everything, the members are there, talking, we had some fake flowers to make things look nice, and some bishopric represented too. eleven o clock passes and they are not there. i worry. eleven fifteen...elven thirty...finaly twelve arrives and members start leaving. I say thanks to everyone there for coming, but the family isn´t here. It was a little heart breaking to be honest. I couldnt imagine what happened and why they werent at the capilla. confused would be the best way to describe it. empty chapel, full font, clean white clothes, baked cake and me and elder rios. i said a prayer and as soon as i finished i knew that it was not their fault that they didnt come. the spirit told me that they wanted to come and they werent able to for some reason. i felt better, but still a little empty. i went to the apartment to eat some rice with elder rios and i decided to go visit the house right away. we walked all the way to their house and found them with the whole family, extended family and everything too. i remained super positive and try to just keep everyone in a good mood (: they said sorry, but the police would be kicking them out of their house and they had to pack. the person who owned the house was kicking them out. i said, "its ok, lets go to your baptism right now! lets go!" and they said ok, got ready, and the extended family decided to come see the baptism with us. they were really excited because they thought we would be mad. I realized how hard satan tries sometimes to interfere with the work of the lord, and I didnt want to let my gaurd down. So, we went to the chapel, got at least the secratry of the bishopric there and had a crazy baptism. After the bapstism the rest of the family said they wanted to do the same thing. I knew that God at the moment was showing miracles. That only through, faith, super hard work and complete obedience can he make the "impossible" possible. And thanks to your amazing prayers, we did it (: I love this work. That´s kinda brief, but I hope you enjoy. Time is passing too fast. Soooo much to do and only two years! ah!

I got a hold of some drum things...haha, at a members house. Oh, it was so much fun. (: Been so long.

Elder Jay Valle

1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to remind Jay that he will regret doing "thumbs up" in every single one of his pictures. Haha.
