Monday, April 11, 2011

Dallan's Letter 4-11-11

Hey everyone,

So I`m going to be quite honest. This has been one of the hardest weeks in my entire mission… Not that anything really bad happened but it required a lot of patience. I got a Dear Elder from Miranda this week telling me that my letters hadn`t gotten through in months. So I went to the post office and asked them what was going on. They told me that beginning this year they changed the system of The Mexican post office. They told me that sending letters with normal stamps doesn`t guarantee that it will actually get there…. (Basically it was like paying to throw away the letters). They said that they had a bomb scare and for that reason it changed but any letter that is thick or has photos in it they usually open to check it and then throw it away! I felt so jipped… And the best part is that it`s happening both ways. Actually I started to wonder why I didn`t get as many letters as I used too but I didn`t want to say anything. So just so you all know if you`ve been sending letters they`re not getting to me and let`s hope that they get here before I go. I`m going to say that it`s just best to send Dear Elders from here on out because there is no guarantee… I wasn`t too happy about all that but it`s all good. I feel bad for all the elders that are barely beginning their mission though.

This week we worked and worked and worked but we just couldn`t find the results, my comp is really sick right now and the sun is beating hot. This week we had two baptisms and one got canceled because he was put in the hospital for an infection and the other one was let out of work late at a night and had some other problems he had to take care of. That night I think I about just wanted to cry.

Yesterday I was thinking about the week. What had happened and why this was all happening at once and I remembered the talk about the gardener and the plant that was given in general conference. I remembered the words of the plant as the gardener trimmed him. ¨Why? Why do you cut me down if I was meant to be a big plant with beautiful flowers?¨ and that in time the gardener knew why but after time the plan could see why. I`m guess i`m in the cutting stage but I know the Lord will bless me. I love being a missionary. You learn so much. Well I gotta go. I love you all.

Elder Dallan Valle

1 comment:

  1. It makes me sort of sad to know you've had such a bad week. I really liked your analogy of the plants (from conference):) You are such a good man and only great things will come from you as you come back home and enter "life" as we know it...ha. Saying lots of prayers for you each day. I love you. Grandma Line
