Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dallan's Letter 3-28-11

Well hello there everyone,
hahaha I sound like Barney. Well things going well down here in Puente. Another week without baptizing. My comp and I have learned a lot. It`s been a trial for us because we have set our goals so high but it`ll come soon. Patience is a virtue as they say. We´ll be ok. The good thing is that this week we have GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahoo! So we are pretty darn excited for that.. The only thing is that it`s my last one in the mission... how sad )=. Everyone is reminding me and my companion that we are going home. It`s actually brutal what they do to us. But we`re trying to turn it into a positive experience but it`s still a work in the process.
Well this week we found Bro. Santana. And funny thing is he plays the guitar just like Santana!!!!!! You should hear him... To bad he doesn`t know how to play the guitar. hahaha gocha mom didn`t I. I`m so good. But we really did find and brother named Santana and he`s so excited to get to know the church. I think that he`s even more excited to go to general conference. But you would be surprised to see where we found him. No me diga... He was in the aparment house that looks like it was designed by Jim Burton. We almost didn`t find him but we decided to just shout out his name in the middle of the hallway and a door down the hallway opened up and he poked out his head. Lucky us =). We`ve been doing a best to get out of falling into a routine because it´s very easy to do as a missionary. We`ve been working like crazy people and the blessings are beginning to fall in.
Well It`s getting pretty hot... correction... very hot down here. But the good things that I`ll come home skinny as skeleton and looking like a steamed lobster. Haha. Don`t worry mom I do put on my sun screen. But we are drinking water like crazy. It´s kind of funny. The sisters don´t even make much food for us anymore. But they always give us a huge old pitcher of water which is the absolute best. It´s fun. I like the heat a lot more than the cold.
Well I have officially completed 22 Months in the mission. 2 to go. Gotta go. I love you all
Elder Dallan Valle

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