Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jay's letter 3-7-11

hahahahha. wow. ana sounds like an adult in the letter she wrote. i though it was from mom the whole time until i read the last line, from ana. ha! ana, you are so grown up! loved the letter. how´s the boyfriend? oh...wait, i´m not supposed to let mom and dad know about that right? ok. woops.

well new comp this week! elder orduña is from new york! and guess what?!? his dad is peruvian. like me. his mom is from ecuador, but he was born and raised in new york. together we make one peruvian. cool (: he has a really strong personality and we are working working working. most work i have done in the mission so far. he his serious about getting this all done, but at the same time, he is hilarious and has a very different sense of humor. it´s weird changing from a disobedient un motivated companion to a leader in the mission who is always working and never takes breaks. i love it. i love getting lost in the work and just dedicating work to the lord. the best. we actually, only in the first week, our area is the best area in mendoza. as far as numbers and stuff, but we are just running every where we go and talking to EVERYONE and getting into tons of houses. we are always using my eyes as a manner to start a conversation. it´s awkard but, hey! if it means sharing the gospel than why not? i am learning to ask really personal questions to get peoples trust and to be a pshycologist of their spirituality and give them the medicine. it´s the best.

the biggest challenge this week, was getting the family adasme to church. they are POOR. i thought i new what poor was until, i met these guys. i mean, steel sheet walls, dirt everywhere, no fridge, no nothing. just chickens dogs and a house...kinda. when we came they were still al asleep. we had to pay for all of us to get to church by bus, we were super late. it was very very very hard. it was definitly a trial of faith, but we did it! we got them to church and they we be baptized on the 19th of March if everything goes right. Can you please pary for the Flia. Adasme. thanks guys!

OH erin, we had a neice competition. whose niece was the cutest, and mine definitly won.

the vendimia was this week. it´s maybe the biggest wine festival in the world. it´s called the vendimia and people come from all over the world to drink wine and there is a HUGE cultural celebration and this huge Miss Argentina kinda competition at the same event. Hna. Lindahl gave us permission to go, but guess what. we didnt. we worked worked worked! we got sutff done and although we kinda wished we went to vendimia, we feel good. plus, it would have taken up like all day and yeah. we are hitting the ground running. i love you guys! have a great week!

Elder Valle

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