Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dallan's Letter 3-21-11

Hey Everyone!Man it`s starting to get crazy hot down here. We`re supposed to be drinking an average of 4 liters a day. That`s a whole freaking gallon!!!! I`ve never drinken so much water in my life like I have in Mexico. Thing is that if you don`t drink you get kidney stones... what a drag hahahaha. Good thing I don`t know how those feel.Well this week was crazy week. We started off with Zone Leader Council which went great. We always lose a lot of time proselyting but we always learn so much. Our Zone this month was the 2nd highest baptizing zone so we were very happy for them and are planning to do many things in the month of April. It`s kind of sad working so hard and leaving investigators to get baptized but it doesn`t matter. The important thing is that they`re going to get baptized. I`ll probably be transfered out in this exchange that`s coming but who knows. The President has been known to do far more than the unexpected hahaha. The goal is to leave to the very strong and all the district leaders we have are doing a great job so we are very excited.

After ZL council we came home and had interviews and that took up all of Thursday and half of Friday. Saturday was the only day that we really got to work. This week we didn`t have a baptism. That was really hard for me and my comp. We`ve been working pretty hard and having success and then to hit nothing made us reflect a lot. The Lord always tries us and sometimes makes us wait for the blessings. The good thing is that we have not gotten discouraged and we are more than happy. We`ll be baptizing here soon again. One thing that I have come to learn on the mission is that you`re success does not depend on you. It depends on the Lord. Those who are faithful and obedient will always be blessed. The Lord can give and the Lord can take away. So we must always be grateful for what the Lord has given us.

Not a whole lot more to say. I got a letter from Miranda this week and I`m guessing the other letters are backed up. Who knows where they are. But they`re coming little by little hahaha. Well I hope everyone is ok. I love you all. Take Care.

Love Elder Dallan Valle

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