Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jay's letter 3-21-11

Wow. Well, crazy week (: Let´s start off with a good, happy and interesting change here in the mission. Well this week, we had interviews with the President and his wife the offices. I was excited because me and Elder Orduna have been working super hard and trying to be super obedient to get more blessings (things such as working out, and going to bed on time). So, It was´nt quite my turn to be interviewed. Then he called in my Zone leaders and Elder Orduna to talk to all three of them together. Then, five minutes later the President called me in to join them. I was curious, but not at all nervous. I figured that If I was nervous, it would because I wasnt working, and I for sure was working (: The Pres. said " Hey, Elder Valle we called you in to do a couple thing. First off, Elder Orduna wont be your copmanion anymore...and you are now senior companion. Elder Orduna is now the Zone leader and you will be training. I talked to your zone leader and Orduna and they said you are beyond prepared to start as a leader, so you will start by traning Elder Rios, from Columbia. Just so you know, this is the first time in the mission that someone as young as you as been comp mayor, training, and gringo trainer of a latin missionary. You are the youngest missionary to ever touch the turf of training. Your name is already famous in the mission and people like you and like being around you. He then said to me, Orduna and Garcia...I couldnt be more pleased with this set of missionaries in my office than I am with another set of missionaries." SO, that was the big change for this week (: SO, I am a "father" and Elder Rios is a son. Thats how it works with training, the person you train is your son. So, there you have it. Crazy huh? It´s a little overwhelming training already, but I am thankful for every oppurtunity to serve the Lord in anyway possible. (: Well, that´s your birthday present MOM (: Your son being obedient and super hard working in the mission. Sometimes I can´t beleive how the Elders work here. It´s like they are here to vacation and just kinda walk around. Thanks for teaching know. Mami, sepa que me enseño bien. You creo que, mediante sus enseñanzas, he aprendido muchos cosas lo que you puedo aplicar en mi vida, y mas de nada, ahora en la misíon. Entoces, gracias por eso, and feliz cumpleaño, de su hijo (:Oh other Mom Birthday present. Hna. Lindahl gave me and Elder Orduña the Cleanest Apartment in Mendoza award at interviews. We won it and a big bag of granola for it. (: My pants are crazy big. I am definitly lossing weight walking up hill really fast every day. My new companion walks a little slow, but I am slowly trying to get him up to speed...literally. hahahaha. But, don´t worry a belt works perfectly keeping the pants up and everything. I don´t really care how I look anymore. Ok, well sorta, but you get the point. I can see mom dying right now just wanting to fiz all my pants and fixing the rip I got the other day playing futbol for 10 seconds en the street with the kids. bad idea. but thats ok, we went back and played a real game the next day in regular clothes and taught them not to say bad words and treat girls with respect. Hahahaha. It was good (:

Crazy what you guys are doing with my room! Sounds like the business is really going good. What is the office going to be now? interesting. Hahaha. Sounds fun. Wish I could be there to help you guys out! (not). (: Well, the flia. Adasme came to church this week, so please say a prayer for a miracle this week that we might be able to have a baptism. they are tough but they need this really bad in their lives (: please pray for miracles. I love you guys (: be safe.

Elder valle

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