Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dallan's Letter 2-28-11

Hey everyone,
Well I would lie if I told you that I have a lot of time to write cause I don´t. But i am happy and very hot. Man weather sure is kicking in. I think we got in to the 100 degrees this week but we all know what that means. Weight loss program! Hahaha. Its fun. I love it and I´m so glad I didn´t go to Alaska! Hahaha

Well this week we had them baptism of Rodolfo. What a cool kid. His friends were making fun of him and about the fact that he was going to baptize with the mormons but it didn´t bother him and he went ahead and did it. When we found him he was quite the wild thing and it´s amazing now to go and visit him and see that he is sweeping the porch for his mom or helping her to wash the clothes. He´s a killer soccer player and has even given up his life´s passion to go to church.

Well my comp got an ingrown toenail and I got a fun picture of that and one of the missionaries sprained my pinky so it was naturally crooked for 3 days but now it´s all good. The best thing is that it didn´t keep us from working and we were able to find more people to baptize for these coming weeks. Good news is that I should be going to the sealing of Carlos and aleda here in like 2 or 3 weeks. We´ll see.

I got packages and letters this week. The packages from Miranda and Sister Hulet and like 13 letters. I was definetly the envied Elder this week. I felt special. Letters are like christmas presents here. You just love them! Hahaha so thanks for all that you have sent me.

I know the Lord lives and that this is his work. Hope all are doing great. Take care everyone.

Love, Elder Dallan J Valle

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