Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dallan's Letter 2-21-11

Hey y´all!
Things going good down here in Mexico. Kind of stressing but everything is going good. This week we had the baptism of la Hna. Noemi. She has been I think one of the funnest people to teach in my mission. She´s had quite the life and is a single mom with 4 kids. One of them ran away and the other three are somewhat crazy. We´ve been teaching her for 2 weeks now and it´s amazing how big of a change she had. When she was baptized you could automatically tell the difference in her and she could to. We always seemed to find her just in the right moment. I don´t think there was a visit that we made that didn´t save her from changing her mind about her baptism, actually she told us several times she didn´t want us to visit her anymore and we´d tell it was ok but that we just wanted to share a quick message with her before we left and always after the visit she´d be happy as ever to get baptize. The Lord helped us quite a bit this week. Things seemed to be going down hill but in the end everthing came together.
This week we had divisionmania. I have so many reimburstments it´s not even funny. My zone is an island zone. All the areas are like an hour apart. So we went to check on the missionaries and help them out. And even though we really didn´t spend time in our area we were able to find someone to baptize for the next two weeks. I can´t believe that this week I will be completing 21 months in my mission and I´m still learning how to follow the spirit and how to have more faith in Christ. You come in the mission thinking you´re going to learn all there is to the Gospel and the longer you´re here the more you realize that really you haven´t even touched the tip of the iceburg. But I love it. I love learning more and I´m glad that God has given me opportunities to learn. It was funny, this week we asked in a prayer that we could have more patience, and in return we recieved so many trials that tested our patience. Not exactly what we were hoping was going to happen but it sure helped us to learn patience hahaha. On saturday we forgot my camera in the house and we needed it for the baptism. So we left the baptismal font filling up and we went to go get my camera. When we came back the church was flooded! We didn´t think it was going to fill up so fast. But we just grabbed the mops and started mopping away. At the end we realized that we didn´t even complain or whine. We had learned to be patient. It was a funny experience but a fun one for us . Well i love you all and hope that everything is going good down there. I´m so glad I´m not cold like you guys are. =)hahaha Love you all!
Elder Dallan Valle

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It is so great to see what the guys are up to and how they are doing!
