Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jay's letter 2-21-11


Tell Dad i loved the pictures he sent this week. very cool (: hahaha.
ok, i have a list of things to write here. lets see how it goes (:

This week we had divisions for one day with Elder Conti frm Paraguay. It was one of the funnest days of my mission! He was such a fun Elder. We would try to knock doors and set fechas in less than five minutes. Of course, we were reverent and spiritual, but it was really fun (: we just had so much fun (: it rained alot that day. i love it when it rains here.

There is a bunch of protesting this week in my area. Its crazy, they stand in the middle of the busy streets and cause crazy traffic and light stuff on fire. Then they put their kids out in front of them and make them chant things. como....Queremos Comer! and it´s ridiculous (: but yeah, it´s kinda creepy actually. so, that´s like happening right outside of our pench. i think the people can´t pay for housing and they are protesting the expense or something like that. algo asi.

well we did service this week (with elder conti) and we went and painted this ladies floor and her wall...with rags. it´s kinda hard to explain. it was more like we were staining her floor. anyways, it was crazy and it made my legs really sore actually. but anyways, she tried to pay us, and we couldnt accept it. she was heart broken and really nice, so she gave us bolsas of food. a bunch. we took it back to the apt. and thought about eating it, and then me and my comp decided to give it to people who actually needed food. so we went to this house with this family who was living off of tang and bread. pretty crazy situation. so we dropped off the food and rang the door bell and left and it was so fun. i love doing service! haha. so that was kinda one of the highlights of the week.

I have given many school blessings this week. It´s really sad to see some of these homes with out priesthood holders. and so, yeah, we gave a bunch and it was really a neat experience (: priesthood holders in the home is a huge blessing, and that is definitly something i learned this week (:

funny part of this week. we were in sacrament meeting and we were singing the sacrament. there is no piano or anything, and so, the bishop had to sing the example melody first so we knew how it went. anyways, he started singing the song, but the wrong melody. and so the whole time, the ward was singing, and it was to the tune of a different horrible. it was messed up! it was crazy. haha, but that´s ok (:

We are praying for miracles this transfer. We have a lot of fechas and no one is coming to church, and so it was kinda dissapointing. like mom said in her letter, yes, the people can be very cold, but every now and then, you get the gold people who are really nice (: so, we are working. i love you all! Have a great day! I´ll send photos.

Elder Valle

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