Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jay's letter 1-31-11


Todo esta bien, aca en Municipal. Tuvimos una semena buena, un poco pesado, pero si. Tuvimos una meta para encontrar a lo menos, 14 nuevos. Era dificil. Pero, with much obedience and work, the lord blessed us with 15 new people to teach! Yeah!!! So yeah. I have a list here of things to talk about and I will just go in that order (:

We had divisions and I went to this place called La Favorita. Hahaha. You have to take a 35 minute bus ride to get to your area from the pench, and then come back for the siesta and study a little and then go back teach, and take the bus back again. Its crazy (: But it was fun for one day. We we walking in the dirt roads, like always, and this kid came running up to us and said, Elderes Elderes! My Abuela te neccesita! So we went over to her house really fast because we thought it was emergency. She said, Elders, Yo tengo un tentacion muy grande ahora para fumar. We were like wow....okay. She has a fecha and wants to get baptized but we taught her more of why the word of wsidom is so important. We asked her to get on her knees and start parying for help and that we would kneel down with her too. She refused to say the prayer aloud in front of us because she was embarrased. We kept offering and she kept refusing. So me and the other elder, we got down on our kneews with out saying anything and folded our arms and just kneeled there while she kneeled there. My comp said, Padre Celestial....and then he went quiet. We didnt say anything, and then like 30 seconds later, she started praying. She just let it all out and started crying. The spirit was really strong after that. I asked her when she was done, how she felt. She said, she felt waay better. It was like a miracle she started praying, but it was amazing. Good little experience in La Favorita. (:
We have WalMart. And so we also had TACO NIGHT. They have tabasco sauce, and tortillas!!! It was awesome. So we had taco night and it was super super great and super yummy. I forgot how much I missed hot mexican stuff.
We got someone to do our laundry in my area!!!! It was awesome!!! I love these clean clothes (: (:
We are teaching this giy named Diego who is really cool and we have a lot of faith with him. He really doesnt have much time to talk (like every other person here), because they are always busy. So yeah. We set him up with a fecha and everything. I hope we get some good baptisms this transfer.
Last night we were walking and we saw this guy pulling weeds. We went up and offered to help and he said, no its ok but thanks! (: but I pointed to my muscles and said. Hay que aprovechar de eso. Hahaha. So we rolled up our sleeves and started pulling weeds. When we got done he made us these amazing smoothies, showed us his garden and we sat and talked in his backyard and he invited to play ping pong. it was great. we didnt really teach him anything, but sometimes, I think the best thing a missionary can do, is just set a good example and give service with a smile. I think that, sometimes, we just gotta show them that we are normal. (: It is great (:
I am going to try and send pictures now. But yeah (: good week. I love you all!

Elder Valle

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your letters and hearing all about your experiences...you are doing wonderful & I love you!
