Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dallan's Letter 2-7-11

Hey everyone things going great down here and guess what I have like 10 min to write you guys today!! wow it`s a record isn`t it. What happens is that we have to use our own time to update the referances of the zone and well.... my zone always gets a lot of references because it`s a big city. But this week went fairly well. Now you`re all probably wondering how the sealing went. Bad news is that it didn`t happen... The stake pres. didn`t find time to interview the brother so they`ll be going next month. The good part is that they are still going and I now got a camera hahaha. But sorry about the false alarm. It`s sad when those things happen though.
The good news is that we had another baptism this week. Her name is Cynthia. She was cold and didn`t want to take of her coat so she`s the one in the black coat just so you all know. We found her in the area binder, that`s never happened to me before, so it`s a pretty neat story. Be nice if I could find elder kowousky who found her ( that really was his name, poor mexicans trying to say that hahaha) But it looks like we have another for the week that`s coming and another two for the following week. We`ve have seen a waterfall of blessings for our obedience and diligence.
Well I must be going. I love you all and miss you. Take care and enjoy the pics!
Love Elder Valle


  1. I'll take coat baptism girl over scandalous baptism girl any day!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness...are you getting more and more handsome or what? Proud of you. Love, Grandma Line:)
