Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dallan's Letter 2-14-11

Hey everyone!
Guess what!?! two weeks in a row that I can write a good letter! Miracle! hahaha. First off let me start by saying HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha truth is my comp and I forgot it was valentines day until we went out to go shopping today go figure. And of course second thing to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thursday she is turning 1! wow how fast does time go by. I remember being in the MTC when Erin told me that she was pregnant. I pretty proud of my niece though.

This week was a hetic week and me and my comp were talking about it. I told him that I was going to write you guys the life in a week of a zone leader. So that`s just what I`m going to do starting of with last tuesday....
Tuesday- we started of the day going to district class. Elder QuiƱones taught a stunning class but we left early because we had to go and see the President. We had to travel to my first church I started off in to hand off letters and what not. It cut us back like an hour but we didn`t mind. We worked normally. Nothing extraordinary that day. We had to go and take money out for my comp because we`ve been having so many interviews hahaha.
Wednesday- um.... oh ya the gringos had to go and renew their passports or something like that. We stayed with the mexicans and did divisions. They ate all of our food in the house and stole my comps badge clip thing for his name tag. hahaha it was crazy but we sure did have fun.
Thursday. The gringos got back and the good news is they told me I got two packages (one from mom and the other from miranda I`m guessing) bad news is they forgot to bring it to me.... so I still got to wait. We sent them off and we tried to work but we ended up having to do an emergency interview an hour away... so we went and stayed over the night. There were`nt any beds hahaha so i slept on the floor but it hurt my back too much so i slept sitting up.... They thought it be fun to take pics. Man that was a cold night
Friday- We wake up and go home but to our lovely surprise we accidently stole the keys of the other missionaries. They called us and we had to go running back so they could open up the chappel for the mission. We worked the rest of the day. It rained a lot.
Saturday- Rain still didn`t stop and we didn`t either. We had a baptism of la hna. Susana. A family of 8 completed! finally! We`re pretty happy.
Sunday- Church and calling in all the numbers. phew..
Today- I had the grand privilege to go and visit my converts from my first area. What a neat experience! Here`s all the pictures of them. Our neighbor gave us teddy bears for valentines day. She`s only 5 yrs old mom no worries hahahaha.
Well Love you all. Hope this letter is acceptable. g2g.
Con Amor, Elder Dallan Valle


  1. "Hope this letter was acceptable" Hahaha. Oh, poor Dal. We treat him rough.

  2. Okay Kel, the picture of Dallan sleeping reminds me of another picture (I must have somewhere) of him sleeping when he was a baby, the same look on his face and big dark eyelashes.
