Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So I was thinking a lot lately about how grateful I am for my kids and all the joy they bring to my life. I remember about 19 years ago after my second son was born, thinking "hey, these two boys will be on missions at the same time." I was so excited for that day to come someday in the future. I have always been excited for my boys to serve missions. I knew from my own mission that they would have joy in serving. Not just fun. Not just a good time. But joy. I could not wait for them to be out together and write each other. The only thing that has brought me more joy than my own mission is raising my kids. I think that is because in both cases, selfless full-time service for other people is the main job. And the wages are joy. So, naturally I couldn't wait for them to be out feeling the joy! And they are! And their letters make me cry. Only a little because I miss them. Mostly, though, because I am so happy for them and they are feeling the joy. Now the holidays are coming soon and my boys won't be here, but I told them they are not allowed to feel homesick during the holidays. I told them they will only have 2 Christmases in their entire life with the beautiful people they serve as missionaries and they have to cherish it now. They can always have Christmas with me. So I am grateful for this time that I always dreamed of. I am so glad they are out together making me cry with their letters. I love you, boys!

I am grateful for my girls. I am grateful that Erin made me a grandma this year and I am having a blast watching her fall so gracefully into motherhood. She is a pro. I'm so proud of her for putting Penny first and beginning that service-joy cycle I talked about. Now, at home, the two "little girls" and I have a non-stop girl party. The boys are gone, Jose is always at a meeting and we have so much fun being best friends. I love the decisions they are making, even when they are hard-- and for being my buddies. I love you, girls!

When all of my kids were very little and I was perpetually sleep-deprived and peanut-butter smeared, I kept telling myself there would be a payoff someday even if the monotony and constant correcting and guiding were hard at the time. Well, payoff keeps happening now and I feel so rich. I am having so much fun in this stage of motherhood! Not just fun. Joy.


  1. Holy Moly! Two posts in one day! When I got your text I didn't realize there were 2! And a new background! Fancy Nancy! Awwww... the boys make me cry too. I have an idea. While I'm up for Christmas lets paint their room and turn it into you office :)

  2. Love the post Kel. Is it ok that I laughed at Jay using the commitment pattern on Jose? Anyway, whenever I feel overwhelmed with boys and all of their boyness, I think of Dallan and Jay now and the payoff I will hopefully receive in the future.
